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once again, another ignoring session was followed by jeno who has been annoyed because of jaemin, again.

"what if, back in the time when dinosaurs still lived, what if the asteroid was a spaceship and we're the aliens?"

who knew someone can be this annoying?

jeno has been used to new students that are quiet and respectful but jaemin is different. he keeps on sticking onto him ever since the beginning amd he has no idea why.

he just wished he would leave him alone.

lunchtime ended and it was now time for the afternoon class and well, jaemin still kept on chattering.

"do crabs' claws regrow?"

"where is the place where banana is mostly produced?"

"if people are smart, they should just teach students some things that they can use for their every day life than teach them some mind torturing algebra that we definitely don't use every day. you know, teach us how to actually save the earth? besides, after exams we'll only forget about that lesson and all those learning has gone to waste. it would be better if they give us advices about love~"

jeno barely managed survive those hours that almost felt like an eternity and finally, it was time to go home.

"hey, jeno! let's walk together!"

jeno sighed at the same voice he has grown familiar to since it seemed like the only voice that filled his ears throughout the whole day. seriously, how can someone escape this torture? cuz he sure need some tutorials.

"jaemin, leave me alone. besides, you probably go to the other direction from where i go." he muttered once he felt jaemin's hand on his shoulder.

the younger only gave him a childish no as a response and jeno couldn't bare the sigh inside him and just let it go.

"don't worry! i won't mind!"

aince it seemed like there was no point of forcing him not to walk with him, jeno gave up and just let the younger do what he wanted.

while they were walking together, they passed by haechan and the others but they all went off to the opposite direction so they were alone. together.

after several minutes of silence, haemin uttered something that he has been intending to say. "tell me about yourself, jeno."

jeno looked straight into jaemin's eyes before looking back on the road.

"i live with my brother near the school. that's all you need to know since we're not that close to even know each other's secrets."

jaemin pouted at the older's response. why must he so rude all the time? he leaned in closer to jeno and gave him a begging look.

"oh come on. after all we've done today?"

"you never stopped talking and i wasn't paying attention. that's not even close to be... well, close."

jaemin puffed out his cheeks and never looked away from jeno's face. he examined it and he was so handsome alright. his charm was more like a manly kind but still cute on the inside. jaemin on the other hand, he's both manly and cute on the outside but sweet and lovable in the inside.

they still had differences, though. ueno was more like a snob daddy type and him? isn't it obvious? jaemin's the annoyingly adorable mommy.

"let's become close then! i swear we'll be good friends within a week or even lesser! if you talk to me back of course."

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