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It was Monday, August 1st, 5 days before the masquerade gala. An event Adelie was 'dying' to go to. She hasn't moved a budge, since the letter came under her door. Still sitting on the floor, back against the door, and a vodka bottle in her hand. Comforting, right?

She felt like she was going to be using Spencer, using him to impress her family's greatest friends. She felt bad for breaking up with him. She could've waited for him to talk more, to let him explain himself. But, of course her stubborn personality made her scream in his face and leave. 

Remember, she was good at running away. It was a pure specialty of hers. One she doesn't like to brag about.

She couldn't help but wonder what Spencer was doing.


Spencer was on his way to the airport. His plan was that if he had no reason to stay in Paris, he would leave. And that was what he was doing now. He was walking in the massive airport in the capital of France, holding hands with his mom. 

He felt guilty for leaving, maybe it was his fault that this happened. Actually it is his fault. He was never good at expressing his feelings, and now he was going down another shit hole. Welcome to  the life of Spencer Reid. 

Maybe Adelie would be better without him. She is a beautiful women with an amazing personality. She loves food, warm chocolate croissant to be exact, and cuddles. Lots of cuddles. She has a bubbly, colorful vibe that is always given off by her.  And it will be something he will miss very much. 

She is his type; tall, green eyes, and light brown wavy hair. His favorite body part of hers was her smile. That intoxicating smile, that never seemed to stop gleaming. He could never think about Paris the same way again. 

"Last call for Gate 23B departing Paris and arriving at Quantico, Virginia" the intercom announced through out the building.

Spencer took his mom's hand and they shuffled their way through the crowd of people. Making it last minute to the gate, Spence handed his pass, along with his mother's to the lady at the desk. The security guard scanned their tickets and they were on their way to the plane.

One of the flight attendants greeted them with a "Bonjour!" and stuck out her arm, pointing her index finger through the narrow hallway of the plane. Reid gave her a small smile, while dragging his body to his seat.  

His boarding pass was labeled with 13A, right in the middle of the aircraft. He chuckled to himself when he noticed he got the window seat. It was his turn after all. 

Spencer sat down and fastened his seatbelt as he opened the window shades. The dark, luminous sky was shined slightly with the glowing crescent moon. It was a fun trip, one not to forget. One hopefully his mom won't forget.

The attendants on the plane went over evacuation instructions and the pilot introduced himself, as Spence was getting comfortable in his seat. The lights on the aircraft started to dim, while the wheels began to move.

Paris ( Par EE) {Spencer Reid Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now