-est-ce la fois?

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Both Adelie and Spencer were stargazing into each other's eyes. Spencer had stopped rambling, but Adelie just kept staring. Chills ran down Spencer's spine, as he was so nervous to talk to the beautiful girl in front of him. He finally spoke up and introduced himself, " Bonjour, je m'appelle Spencer!" he said with pure excitement. His head turned to the left  a little as he was confused because the pretty lady wouldn't show any expression. 

Adelie finally got out of her daze and apologized for not speaking. She got up from her bean bag chair and stuck her hand out for a firm handshake, while saying "mes excuses, je m'appelle Adélie." ("My apologies, my name is Adelie"). Spencer, a germaphobe, did not stick his hand out, but showed a little wave with a smile. Adelie couldn't help herself and blurted out, "Are you American? because you don't look like you are from here." Reid's cheeks turned bright red just like a tomato, while he was tucking his hair behind his ears. He nodded softly and let out a little laugh. 

"Yes, I am from America, originally Las Vegas. I just wanted to come up to you and tell you that we have the same book. I haven't started yet, but you look like you are deep into it." Spencer said as he pointed to her fingers that were in the book, acting as a bookmark. Adelie acted so surprised because everyone she knows hated this book and thought it was boring and endless. "Oh really! Well this is one of my favorite books; I have read it multiple times and I come to this bookstore every week to check on  my uncle and hang out for a bit. Let me tell you more about it." she said as she took Spencer's arm and directed him into the seat right next to her. This day keeps on getting better<3


Spencer and Adelie had many conversations about the French culture, her life as a fashion designer, his life as an FBI agent(which is classified), and etc. Adelie never mentioned anything about their familiar interest, the thought had left her mind. They shared laughs and smiles and  were warned about their noise by Uncle Bernard. The chemistry between them is something they both haven't felt before. Adelie was a young native, who never had a chance to fall in love. And Spencer was just your local FBI agent who is bad at love. This is their chance to keep their conversation going because if it stopped , it will be something they both will miss greatly. 

Spencer: I have to tell you something really personal about myself? 

Adelie: Go ahead, we practically know everything about each other!

Spencer: *nervous* Okay, I-I um have a mom who suffers from Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's  and I am here in Paris for a little vacation to get her out of the home she is in, and I honestly need a break from the chase. She is a little much, but I think that you will like her. :)

Adelie: *holds Spencer hands* Oh, Spence I would love to meet her and I actually would love to get to know you more. *as she rubs the front of his hands*

Spencer had no time to reply, but felt happy that Adelie felt the same way as him. Adelie quickly took her bag in one hand and Spencer's hand in the other and ran out of the bookstore with Reid right behind her. She was going to take him to her favorite little hiding spot, right by the famous tower. 

They started running on the streets, ignoring all the people staring at them. Out of the blue, Spencer stopped, which led Adelie almost falling backwards as her arm was yanked behind her. The adrenaline rushed through both of their bodies, as Spencer kept looking into her eyes. He wanted to pull her into a passionate kiss, but thought it was intruding during this moment. Words finally came out of  Spencer's mouth saying, " Where are we going?" Adelie's heartbeat started going down, as she replied with, "Do you trust me?" They both then took off running towards the tower. Adelie stopped running suddenly and whispered, " Look this is what we have to do, we have to climb over these bushes and walk towards the Eiffel Tower, but not in the front. We have to go towards the back to avoid security. Okay?" 

Ignoring the fact that Reid was confused he followed Adelie's instructions. The lovers jumped over the bushes bordering the garden and ran quickly behind the security and ducked down every single time he turned around. In the end, they made it to her secret spot. It was underneath the Eiffel Tower, it was an unusual spot, but when the lights flicker on, you could see the lights travel to the top as you lay down facing the point. Adelie sat down on the floor taking Spencer with her. 

Adelie kept staring at the floor, realizing that she never took anyone to this spot, but this man was special. Exhaling a loud sigh, Adelie looked into Spencer's chocolate eyes and said, " This is my secret spot where I come to think and ignore all the problems in my life. My mom used to take me here and we would have picnics before her car accident. I miss her truly, but she is in a better place. Heaven gained another angel. I am so sorry that I didn't tell you where we were going, I just thought we could go on a little adventure."

Spencer as sweet as he is, took his jacket off and placed it on the floor as a blanket for them to lay their heads down on while waiting for the lights to turn on. He wrapped his arms around Adelie and quietly told her, "Thank you, for taking me here". The two people stared at the tower and pointed at the stars, laughing about the ridiculous shapes they make. 

The coffee house clock dinged for the hour before midnight. The night had to end, but the two lovers didn't want to leave each other. Spencer got up and said, " I have to go! I am so sorry, but I left my mother with the caregiver and have to check on her." Adelie nodded as she understood she had to go too because she had work. The couple dozed off into each others eyes and passionately kissed each other, with butterflies growing in their stomachs as every second passed by. Spencer pulled back licking his lips and declared, " I like you a lot Adelie Barnet and I do not want to lose you. Can I have your number?" A smile fell upon Adelie's face and Spencer gave her his phone to put her number in. They exchanged numbers and both of them left in separate ways to continue the rest of the night.

Spencer went back to his hotel room and fell on his bed in a starfish shape as all he could think about was Adelie. He kissed his mother goodnight on the forehead and let the caregiver leave.

On the other side of town, Adelie opened her door to her apartment and went to the bathroom. She could not stop smiling, Spencer was her dream guy; the guy she wished she would have when she was younger. What a way to meet someone! Adelie changed into her pajamas and fell asleep, happily.

A/N: Okay, finally they found each other. I have so much potential for this story. If you have any suggestions you can leave them in the comments. thank you!

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