-je suis amoureux

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Adelie woke up the next day because her phone kept pinging. She lazily stuck her arm out of the blanket to see who it was. It was Dr. Spencer Reid.

Spencer: Bonjour ma belle! (Good morning, beautiful) Any plans for today?

Adelie : Good morning to you too, Doctor ;) I am going into work today to look at the venue for the show, but nothing else after that, if you want to do something after.

Spencer: I thought you would never ask, Mademoiselle. Call me when you are done. I will be waiting.

Adelie: You got it!!

Adelie was smiling from ear to ear, as she played "Crazy in Love" by Beyoncé. She raised the volume all the way to max, while walking to her bathroom in a dance like way. Grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste, she started slipping on her tile floor with her socks, as she was brushing her teeth. She got ready for work, and slipped on her high-healed boots and was out the door.

Back with Spencer and Diana in the hotel room, Spencer could not hide his facial expressions as he put his phone back in the charger. His mother got up from the bed suddenly and stared at him, while squinting her eyes. Spencer did the same thing as Adelie, but he played more of a classical song, "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley. He took his mom by her hands and they both slow danced along the hallway in their hotel room. Diana couldn't help but ask, " Spencer what is going on, why are you smiling so much? I have never seen you smile like that since you won the chess tournament back in 5th grade." Spencer looked her deep in the eyes and said confidently , "Mother, I think I found her! I think I found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I think you would love her, she is excited to meet you, if you would like. " He couldn't help, but he squeezed his mother so tightly in a hug. Reid felt like a little bubble, so light in the air as it roams around in front of you. "Enough about me, mom, today is the day we explore the city from dusk till dawn. " Spencer said as he twirled his mom into his chest.


Spencer and Diana pull up to the Louvre Museum to start their day full of adventures. The art museum fascinated them with all the sculptures, objets d'art, paintings, and drawings hanging everywhere. "Fun fact: The Louvre is the biggest museum in the world, it is so big that it is actually impossible to see all of the museum in one visit. " Spencer announced as he held his mother's hand tightly as they walked through the exhibit. This morning Ms. Reid begged Spencer to take her to the Louvre so she could see The Mona Lisa, the most famous piece of art in the institution. They arrived at the section where the famous art piece was and were surprised because the drawing was protected with bullet proof glass and had its own body guards. A few hours later, Spencer and Diana only have looked at less than half of the gallery. The art pieces were too interesting for them just to skim through. It was almost closing time and the two took their way towards the entrance to find something to eat.

Near the Louvre there was a bridge that the Reids took to the Eiffel Tower. The sight of seeing vespas, large bodies of water, and the famous tower made Diana's eyes widened with enjoyment. Spencer took his mother to the café he went to last night before he met Adelie. The two ordered a gourmet lunch and appreciated the time they were having together.

Adelie has just finished decorating the venue for the show with the runway, chairs, and the favor boxes for guests to take home with them. It was Wednesday, so this means that the team has 2 days left to prepare for the show. So far, no problems have occurred and everything was moving smoothly. Adelie decided she was going to take the rest of the day off as her report for Madam Chamberlain was approved. She decided to text the famous Dr. Spencer Reid.

Adelie: Bonjour, Spencer! I just finished work, so if you want to do anything I am free. Oh, and tell your mother I said hi.

Few minutes later, Spencer replied.

Spencer: Hello, mi ' amore. We are at the café right outside your uncle's bookstore, so if you want to come, we are waiting for you.

Adelie: okay, I will be there. See you!!

Spencer: Don't take too long ;)

Adelie smiled as she saw the last text, her stomach still filled with butterflies every single time the thought of Spencer popped up in her mind. Thank god the café was walking distance from her work because Adelie really wanted to see Spencer, she wanted to look at his sweet and luminous brown with a hint of hazel eyes. She walked out of her building after saying "Bonne journée" ("Have a good day") to the security guard at the front entrance. She happily skipped her legs as she made her way to the coffee house.

Spencer kept looking at the door of the coffee house every time the little bell rang. He was eager to see Adelie and excited for his mother to meet her. He finally stood up when he saw a familiar face that made him smile big. Diana repeated the action as she also saw Adelie and was not surprised by the way she looks. Spencer always fell for women with black wavy hair and long bangs. Adelie grinned at Spencer and gave him a little peck on his cheek and a warm hug to Diana. The color red moved along Spencer's cheeks as he was slightly nervous to see Adelie again. "You must be Diana, Spencer has told me all about you. And I can't wait to get to know you more." Adelie said while grabbing a chair from another table and placing right by Spencer's chair.

Adelie could tell that Spencer was nervous, so she laid her hand on his knee to reassure him that everything was okay. Spencer smirked and put his hand into Adelie's squeezing it tightly. Diana kept bombarding Adelie with all these personal questions as a protective mother would do. Some questions were too personal such as where her parents were. Adelie brave as she is mentioned, " Actually u-um my parents actually died when I was 15 in a car accident, a drunk driver hit them and their car swerved and fell into a lake. I don't like talking about this a lot, so...can we change the topic." as she gulped loudly and gave Diana a fake smile. Spencer could tell Adelie wasn't into it, so he muttered "Sorry" quietly as he rubbed his fingers along Adelie's legs. 

"Hey, how about we all go to the Eiffel Tower, it is almost sun down and we might catch the light show at 8 o' clock." Spencer asked as he got up from his chair directing Adelie and Diana to the door.  They both agreed and left the coffee house. Spencer took his mom around his arm and hesitantly pointed out his hand for Adelie to hold. Adelie looked up at him with a puzzled face, as she couldn't forget the times Spencer said it was safer to kiss someone than hold their hand. Ignoring what he said Adelie took her hand into his and their fingers interlocked tightly. 

They arrived at the Eiffel Tower and Diana gave her phone to Adelie for her to take a picture of her and Spencer. Both Spencer and Diana stood on each side of the tower pointing their fingers downward touching the point. They then hugged each other while doing funny faces. Adelie felt as if she was left out, this wasn't the moment for her to be in. It was moment for a son to feel happy when he sees his mom positively showing emotions. Spencer then took the phone from Adelie and gave it to his mom asking her, "Hey mother do you remember what I told you this morning, the thing I wanted to do if we met up with Adelie later in the day?" Diana screeched quietly and nodded her head fast. Adelie bewildered was dragged into Spencer's chest. As Spencer gave his mom the 3...2...1, Diana started recording. Spencer took his hands and wrapped it around Adelie's cheeks, cupping them.  Addie started breathing heavily as she couldn't comprehend what was happening. Finally, Spence started talking and asked "Adelie, will you be my girlfriend? as he stared into her eyes waiting for the response he wants. Adelie didn't react and just froze there right in front of the love of her life. 

Was she rushing this? They just met yesterday, but this is Dr. Spencer Reid, a guy like no other.

A/N: I am going to leave you guys on a cliffhanger for now, until I figure out Spencer and Adelie's future. 

Paris ( Par EE) {Spencer Reid Fanfiction}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें