-sticks and stones

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Spencer informed the team about the ridiculous amount of money Gabriel was asking for in exchange for the Barnet family. They were obviously not going to give him any money. They needed something that could lure Gabriel and his team in. 

Rossi: "Clearly we don't have this type of money on us, but what can we do to distract him."

Morgan: "We could send in Reid first, when we get to the warehouse he's hiding in."

JJ: "Or we send in me and Emily. He will never expect us to open up with women."

Hotch's phone rings...

Hotch: "Yes, Garcia. Did you track down the phone call?"

Garcia: "Yes, sir. The signal kept bouncing back in forth between these two abandoned buildings, but me and my tech skills finally narrowed it down to a warehouse in Monaco, right by the coast."

Hotch: "Great! Thanks, Garcia."

Garcia: "You, my fine furry friends, are welcome."

Hotch: "So, Gabriel and his team are in a warehouse in Monaco, the warehouse is under Laurent's name. I am going to call a jet, so we could get to Monaco faster. And we will brief the plan when we are in the air. Wheels up in thirty!"


The team boarded the jet

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The team boarded the jet. Hotch, Rossi, JJ, and Emily sat in the 4 seats on the left side of the jet facing each other. While Spencer and Morgan took their seat on the individual chairs across from them. 

Together the team briefed each other about the plan to approach Gabriel. They were going to let in Emily and JJ through the front of the warehouse, while the rest of them were going to go towards the back. Each agent will have a mic and a vest on. JJ will hold 2 briefcases full of fake money and Emily will try to keep a look on all of the members on Laurent 's team. Gabriel is expecting the team to be at the warehouse by Sunday at 6 o'clock, right when the sun sets. 

Spencer has been quiet for most of the day, but he kept agreeing along with the plans the team was making. He was scared that JJ was going in first, since they were best friends. But JJ was good at her job, and if anything happened the team was going to be there. 

He kept thinking of Adelie and how she was feeling right now. What was she thinking when she found out that her parents were still alive. All he wanted to do was hug her, nourish her, and make her feel safe. He was glad she was alive, but she was in pain, and he couldn't stand that. 


Adelie felt herself losing feeling in both her arms and her legs. She has been sitting in the room for almost 4 hours after she spoke with Spencer. Gabriel or any of his minions haven't entered the room, since then. She examined her body and there were scars and bruises along her lower body. She turned her head toward a small mirror that was hanging in the corner of the room. She jumped up and down still seated trying to move her chair, so that she could face the mirror directly. 

She inhaled loudly as she saw her face bruised up on one side and the other filled with freshly made cuts. The scar on top of her eyebrow reopened after the last switchblade cut. She couldn't recognize herself. She didn't know who she was. 

Her parents. Her parents. She kept thinking. They were alive this whole entire time. So, how did she go to their funeral and watch them enter the ground. So, when she visited them, she wasn't talking to them. It was just an empty coffin. She missed them so much, that she couldn't be mad at them. 

What if Spencer doesn't come on time. What if I don't make it out of here alive. This was also a thought she kept thinking about. She wanted to see Spencer, she wanted to feel his warmth against his skin, she wanted to smell his scent of citrus and autumn. She wanted to look into his hazel eyes. 

The cuts and the bruises kept stinging her body and Adelie couldn't handle the pain, so she passed out right there.


The team landed in Monaco after 3 long excruciating hours. Hotch has called the S.W.A.T team before hand, so they were ready when they arrive at the warehouse. 

They arrived in Monaco at night, so Aaron ordered the team to go to the hotel and rest up before they go in the field tomorrow. 

Rossi, Spencer, JJ, and Hotch headed to the hotel, while Emily and Derek went to find a bar to get drunk in, of course. Spencer grabbed his hotel key from his boss and went straight to his room. He didn't talk to anybody, he just kept his head down and hid his eyes. 

The lock on the door turned green when Spencer slid the key in. He violently threw his go-bag on the floor and harshly kicked the door shut with his left foot. He was tired. He was tired of running around. He just wanted Adelie. He took his phone and called his mom because she was the only thing right now that could calm him down.

The phone rang twice, then Diana answered.

 "Hey, Spencer!" Diana said after clearing her throat. 

"Hi, mom.." Spencer replied with a long exhale. "I will be back to the hotel after I finish this case, I am so sorry that this had to happen. I will tell you about it more when I get back. I just wanted to call to make sure you're okay. I hope the caregiver is treating you well."

"I am fine, Spencer. Just kick ass on the field and come back to me, safe and in one piece." Diana announced with a little laugh.

"I promise, I will.  I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Spencer."

Spence stood up from the bed and opened his go-bag to find some clothes to wear after he takes a shower. He pulled out a gray t-shirt, some black plaid pants, and blue striped boxers. He walked into the bathroom slowly and twisted the shower handle to the warm section. 

Spencer glanced at himself in the mirror and he didn't recognize himself. His hair was in all directions, worse than his bed head. His beard was getting longer, his eye bags were getting bigger, and his eyes were blood-shot red from all the crying. 

He took off his clothes and opened the glass door to the shower. He let the water travel down his body for quite a while, as he felt like the warm water could temporarily replace the warmth of Adelie's body. 

Reid quickly washed his hair and body and got out of the shower. He stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror again, this time he didn't look at his face; he examined his battle scars that were all around his body. The scar he had in-between his forearm and his upper arm from the day he was kidnapped by Tobias Hankel, the bullet scar on his neck from the night he got shot, and the other bullet scar in his knee where the unsub shot him in the leg. 

He was proud to have these scars because it made him feel confident and strong. Spencer doesn't like his past defining who he was, but he wanted to tell Adelie about the experiences he had while he was on the job, the good and the bad. 

He brushed his teeth and put on his pajamas and tucked himself into the warm, empty bed. 

Tomorrow was going to be a long day. 

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