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"Adelie is gone, she is gone" Spencer said as he was hyperventilating and walking around the apartment trying to find his phone. The first thing that popped into his head was to call the team. The BAU aren't allowed to deal with cases internationally, but he didn't care. He didn't care that he was going to break protocol, he didn't care that they may be suspended, and he didn't care that he was risking his life. 

He called Hotch and explained to him that the girl he fell in love with got kidnapped. They were just at her apartment eating dinner and all of a sudden he heard a scream from Adelie. Aaron tried to calm Spencer down as he said, " Reid, Reid calm down. I already called the team and we are on our way to the airport. Don't touch anything! Adelie's apartment is now a crime scene. I will brief the team on the plane. Try your best to relax and try to find anything to connect the dots to help us find Adelie. Spencer we will find her." Spencer was angry and he couldn't take it, so he hung up on Aaron. "How can I relax. Relax! I can't relax right now!" Spencer yelled at himself and felt guilty that he wasn't there to protect her. 

Spence started crying, hot tears falling out of his eyes burned as he kept rereading the note that was left by the unsub. He kept thinking that Adelie doesn't have that much family, it was only her, her uncle Bernard, and Cecile. 


The whole team sat down in the private jet acting confused.

Derek  Morgan: What is happening, Hotch? Is Reid okay?

Emily Prentiss: Yea, is he okay? I called him last week and he said he was fine, he was having fun in Paris.

Hotch: No, he is not okay. He is safe, but a woman he met in Paris, Adelie, got kidnapped while they were having dinner at her apartment. He doesn't know where she could be, he told me she lives a small life, she goes to work, to her uncle's bookstore, and back home. 

Rossi: Oh, kid. I wonder how he is feeling. Okay, so the unsub has kidnapped a low-risk victim. This case is going to be easy.

JJ: What about the director, he is not going to approve us leaving the US for a case in Europe. They are not going to like us leaving  the other cases in the US alone!

Hotch: I will deal with the director right now. We might have to deal with the American Embassy , along with Interpol to help us find Adelie. Just rest up and we will be heading to the crime scene when we land in Paris.

The agents landed in Paris and split into two government cars. JJ and Emily went to the FBI headquarters to set up and the rest of the team went to Adelie's apartment. 

Morgan, Hotch, and Rossi arrived at the crime scene. It looks like Spencer already called local law enforcement to wrap up the entrance of the apartment.  They saw Spencer in the balcony where the abduction happened pacing back and forth trying to come up with possibilities of where Adelie could be. Hoping she is not dead. 

Adelie's apartment is filled with CSI taking pictures of the scene, police officers talking, and glass on the floor where the balcony was broken into. 

Spencer noticed the team and said, "Thank god, you guys made it. We might have to talk to Cecile and Bernard to see if they know anything. Where is JJ and Emily? 

Morgan: They are setting up at the station and Penelope is back at Quantico, but if you need anything you can call her.

Rossi: So the two of you were having dinner and talking. So why did you leave the room?

Spence: I left to wash my hands. We just finished dinner  and  we were cleaning up.

Hotch: Reid, I may have to take you off this case, since you are an accessory to this abduction.

Spencer: With all do respect, sir. YOU CAN NOT TAKE ME OFF THIS CASE. I do not care that I was in the apartment when it happened. Adelie is my girlfriend! And I am not going to stop looking, until I find her ALIVE!


JJ and Emily set up boards with Adelie's family pictures on them, including a geographical map. Emily decided to call Penelope to find out more about the victim's family.

Penelope: Oracle of Quantico! Speak if you deign to hear the truth.

Emily: Garcia, I need you to look up everything about Adelie's family, living and dead. 

Penelope: So, Adelie is a fashion designer that works at Charvet, she works almost everyday. She recently took a day off without telling her boss, Madam Chamberlain. It looks like she has no siblings. Her parents were reported dead after a car accident, where the car flipped into a lake. Her father was a very wealthy businessman and her mother was a secondary school teacher. The Uncle, Bernard, owns a bookstore and according to the security footage, Adelie goes there often. Her friend Cecile has been with the Barnet family, since Adelie was born. Her  family looks fine, low profile so we can leave them out. 

The phone was now on speaker. 

JJ: Hey, Penelope can you check on the car accident and give us any details that stand out. Also, look into Adelie's father's clients, maybe something bad happened and one of them is taking on revenge. 

Penelope: Okay, if I find anything you are the first ones I will call! Au revoir.

JJ was freaking out because she couldn't handle the stress that Spence was under. He was her best friend and she didn't want to lose him. A couple hours later, the rest of the team including Spencer went back to the station to talk more about the case. A lot of questions were getting swerved Reid's way as he was the only person who can help so far. He tried his best answering questions that he knew like "Was she in a pass relationship before you?" or "Did she ever tell you if she had any enemies? 

His head just kept spinning because he felt empty on the inside. The feeling of emptiness made him remember his mother was left with the caregiver since the other day. He calls the caregiver and tells her" I am so sorry! A case just showed up regarding me personally. You might have to stay a while longer, until we solve it. Kiss my mother for me. Thank you." Spence feels guilty that he can't give his mom the trip she always wanted. 

The team later came to the conclusion to bring in Bernad Barnet and Cecile Monet for questioning. The two of them walked in within the hour they were called in for. Spencer took Bernard into an interrogation room, while JJ took Cecile into another. 

Bernard: What is happening here Spencer? Where is Adelie? Is she okay?

Spencer: Adelie was abducted last night at her apartment, while we were having dinne-.

He was interrupted.

Bernard: What do you mean kidnapped? Where were you? You are an FBI agent and you couldn't help. 

Spencer was more angry now because more stress was put on him. He calmed down the uncle and asked him questions about his brother's clients. After a long hour of fighting with each other, Reid found out about Gabriel Laurent, a pure idiot in Spence's opinion, but he was a VIP client as he controlled more than half of the oil leaving and coming into France. Long story short, a mix up happened and Gabriel went bankrupt as all his money went to Adelie's father, Enzo's, company.

Spencer and JJ left the interrogation rooms at the same time and JJ shook her head no as Cecile gave them no information that could help. 

The only thing they have is about Gabriel Laurent.

They may have a lead. 

A/N: I hoped you like this chapter. I have soo much planned for what is about to happen. I was thinking about doing another story or maybe a sequel to this one. Please leave a comment if you guys would like one. 

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