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Adelie and Spencer still dosed off into each others eyes, until all of the sudden the heart monitor in the ambulance started beeping loudly. Spencer was still holding her hand tightly, till he got yelled at by the paramedic. 

"With all do respect, agent. Please back away. She is going into cardiac arrest!" the paramedic yelled, while trying to get on top of Adelie's body to start compressions. 

The ambulance driver made a stop at what assumed to be the hospital ER. Doctors in scrubs came out opening the hospital truck and pulled the gurney out of it. They pulled it carefully, but fast. The paramedic was still on top of Adelie doing CPR.

"Her blood pressure started going down about 4 minutes ago! I started doing CPR for 3 minutes, still no response."

"Okay! We need to find an empty operating room and somebody page cardio!" the  doctor started to order around. 

Spencer watched as they rolled Adelie and the gurney into the operation room, nurses holding him back from the restricted area. He looked at his body and almost felt nauseous as Addie's blood was on him. It was weird because he was around blood all the time. Spence sat down as he felt his head spinning; a nurse quickly supported his body before he crashed on the floor. 

Hours later, Spencer opened his eyes carefully finding himself in a hospital room with IVs sticking in him. He was wearing a gown and a body was waiting for him in the room. The room was dark and the blinds were closed and Spencer didn't recognize who was sitting next to him. 

Morgan came out of his shadow and exclaimed, "Hey, pretty boy you woke up!" while he was eating a strawberry Jell-O cup. 

"Why am I here? Where's Adelie?" Spencer replied quickly taking the IVs out of his arms. 

Before Morgan could say anything, Spencer was already out of the room still wearing his gown trying to find the doctor who admitted Adelie to the OR room. He looked in each corner of the floor he was on, and even made the attempt to contact a nurse, but none of them knew where the cardio surgeon was. 

Reid walked in to the waiting room hoping something over there will relieve the stress and pain he was in. He sat down in a chair in the corner, watching everybody past him. He was so concentrated in watching everyone, he didn't notice Luke and Lauren waving at him on the other side of the waiting room. 

Their eyes were bloodshot red and they were holding crumbled pieces of tissue. What happened?

Spencer walked over to the other side of the room and stuck out his hand for a firm shake from the Barnets. They politely stood up and instead took him into a hug. They thanked him for saving their family and he even got a little pinch on the cheek from Lauren, Adelie's mom. 

Spence broke his silence and asked, "Is Adelie out of surgery? I couldn't find her doctor anywhere, and I am worried about her. Oh-oh I am so sorry, I didn't even introduce myself. I am Spencer Reid, I work with the Behavioral Analysist Unit at Quantico. I  came to Paris to show my mother the sights, and one day I met Adelie. She was sweet and comforting and loved showing me the attractions in this wonderful country." Tears were falling down from his eyes. "One night, she took me back to her apartment and we made dinner and all of the sudden she was gone. I didn't know what happened to her, so I called my team. You guys met them at the warehouse."

"Oh  mon fils, I can tell that you are in love with Adelie, just by the way you talk about her. Your eyes start to glisten." Spencer can feel the heat along his cheeks turning them red. "But, she has been in surgery since she got here, no doctor has come out yet to tell us any news." Lauren answered gripping onto his shoulder. "Why don't you sit next to us, while we wait, okay?"

Spencer did what she said. He sat down in the chair next to them. He kept trying to stop the shaking in his legs, but the anxiety in his grew more. He twiddled with his thumbs, kept biting his lips, and he kept his gaze on the white tile floor. Luke extended his arm and placed his hand on his knee, gripping his knee tightly to calm him down. They both exchanged a small smile as they waited to hear from someone with news. 

A nurse came out wearing a scrub cap with polka dots out of the operation room. Luke, Lauren, and Spencer stood up in sync and made their way towards the nurse.

"Hi, are you Luke and Lauren Barnet?" the nurse asked clenching and unclenching her jaw.

"Yes, we are and this is Adelie's boyfriend, Spencer."

"Unfortunately, I have to speak to the immediate family only.  Hospital protocols. "

Spencer nodded and made his way back to the chair. He watched the nurse tell the Barnets something, but he couldn't understand what was being said. All of the sudden, loud sobs were exiting Lauren's mouth and Luke was trying to pick her up from the floor. He failed greatly due to one of his arms being in a sling. 

Spence jumped out of his seat to gather up Mrs. Barnet and take her to somewhere quiet. Reid took them to his room and made sure that Morgan wasn't there. He wasn't. Lauren sat down in the chair across from the bed and Spence bent down to get to her eye level. He stared into her eyes and saw Adelie in them. He broke the silence and asked, "What happened? What happened to Adelie?" he squeezed her hands. 

"S-She's alive, but...but she started internally bleeding, her heart couldn't take the amount of blood coming out and that's why she entered cardiac arrest. The doctors are doing their best, but it will be a while. "

Spencer stood up and fell against the wall, his back facing it. He slid slowly until his bottom hit the floor. He crossed his legs and just sat there. He was just happy and now he was back to where he was 24 hours ago, sad and miserable. 


The cardio surgeon found them and gave them good and bad news. "Good news is we stopped the bleeding, but bad news and it was hard to avoid, she fell into a coma. Her body couldn't take the amount of pain it was it in, so her brain turned off. It is good that she is not in pain, but we will monitor her every few hours to see her responses. You guys can see her now, she is in ICU #3."

They all stood up from their position and took the elevator to the ICU floor. Spencer let Adelie's parents see her first, as he waited outside. All he wanted was to hold her hand. The Barnets took a good 45 minutes inside the room, and they finally came out and told Spence that he could go inside. 

He entered  the room slowly. The lights were dim and it was freezing cold. He walked passed the bathroom and saw Adelie laying on the gurney. She had an oxygen mask on and an IV on the front of her left hand. It looks like the doctor stitched up her collarbone and her eyebrow. She looked pale, she looked hurt, she didn't look like Adelie. 

He put his hand into hers and froze. He froze. He couldn't move. He just kept thinking it was his fault that she was here. 

He sat on the side of the bed near Adelie and spoke, "A-All that matters, is that y-you wake up, okay? And that I get to have more time, with you. And we have a big family with 3 children and a little puppy. We can even have a farmhouse with little animals. Please Adelie, wake up. I need you."

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