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TW: heavy drug and alcohol use.

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The closest place Adelie could go was her old apartment. It was the only place she found herself drawn to. Even now, when she can barely call it 'home'. The thing that was upsetting the most was that she didn't even know where her parents moved to. They could still be at their "mansion" in Meaux, which is around an hour trip using the metro from Paris, but she didn't know.

She wanted to be by herself, she wanted to think without anybody bothering her. She didn't mean to break up with Spencer, but it just slipped out. Maybe she did mean it. Still walking on the streets of downtown, eyes glassy from all the tears, feet aching from the poor choice of shoes, Adelie finally made it to the underground transportation. 

Addie stood on the dirty tile floor of the 'subway' as Spencer calls it, waiting for the intercom to announce the next train going north. Trains and more trains passed by, yet the right one never came to her destination. Adelie started to grow impatient as her mind raced with the thought of just walking back home. 

Sighing loudly she turned on her heals and moved up the stairs towards the main street. The sounds of people talking, cars driving, and the loud beeping noises of traffic was a comforting feeling that Adelie missed. She missed her old life where she used to go to work every morning and enjoy it without worrying if someone was watching her. She loathed the idea for even making conversation with Spencer the first time she met him at the bookstore. 

She hated herself for falling for Spencer, not just falling, but falling hard for him. He was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, but he ended being someone else. Adelie always saw Spencer as a sweet, innocent man that could never hurt a fly. She knew he was good, he had a wonderful personality, but he was a liar. Once a liar, always a liar. Nothing could change that.

Making it to the entrance of her complex, she waved at her doorman Henry and made her way up the stairs. Her apartment building was quite little, only about 5 levels plus the roof. It was a cute building, it had plants hanging from the ceiling and colorful gold and red wallpaper on the walls. It was an ancient place, but Adelie always felt warmth stepping into it. 

She made her way to the third floor and walked to the door labeled 317. Her heart starts beating fast, she could practically feel it jumping out of her chest, against her ribcage. She placed her hand on the doorknob, immediately getting clammy and tight, shoving the door open, the place looked the same, yet different at the same time.

The kitchen was still dirty for the cooking her and her ex boyfriend did the night of her kidnapping, the table disorganized with unclean dishes, and lastly her balcony was still broken into. Stepping on the shattered glass on the floor, she winced, a low scream exiting her mouth. 

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