The Burning Pile (1/2)

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Mother Mother is one of the best artists change my mind.

Background: Tommy was adopted into the Sleepy Bois, and they all live in a house together with Phil as Will and Techno's biological father.

Triggers: Separation anxiety, fire (controlled), yelling, swearing.


Boisterous laughter filled the hallways of the SBI residence as three brothers played Minecraft casually. No recording, no streaming.

"No Techno! Those are my discs!" Tommy exclaimed, but not without the small chuckle that broke up his words.

Technoblade's character stood over a small fire in a plains biome, and he held the two precious discs that they'd somehow stolen quietly. Everyone could feel the light atmosphere as they played on the Dream SMP as brothers.

No canon.

Just brothers.

Outside of the storyline, Tommy didn't really care about the discs. Tommyinnit did, but now is not the time for that.

Techno just sat in his chair, laughing uncharacteristically. Apparently, he'd run out of quotes and phrases from their preplanned trip to L'manberg on stream just 30 minutes before.

That was chaotic.

Tommy did notice how Wilbur was very quiet ever since the stream was ended. Maybe cracking some jokes would get his brother to speak up?

Since their bedrooms were spread pretty far apart, as cliche as it was for their generation, the three brothers had to be on a call in order to speak to each other and play Minecraft at the same time. Tommy couldn't see Wilbur's face, meaning he couldn't tell of the older's emotions.

Wilbur's face was the easiest sign when he was uncomfortable.


His head was pounding.

Wilbur's face was contorted into an uncomfortable expression as he held his head in his hands.

He left his earphones on the table and turned Tommy down on discord, and he could still hear the screaming and whining coming from his younger 'brother'.

Wilbur abruptly unmuted his mic and he knew his brothers could hear his agitated breathing. Phil was out, and there was no one who could calm him down.

"I'm leaving the call. Don't disturb me."

He left.

Not even two minutes later, an irregular knock sounded on his bedroom door, causing Will to groan and lift his head off of his pillow.

All I want to do is sleep and forget my problems.

"Wilbur?" Tommy's muffled voice somehow made it through the soundproofing in the room.

With an angry grunt, Wilbur got up from his bed and aggressively opened the door in time to see Tommy take a subtle step back at the sudden action.

"What." He said, sounding like an angry parent trying to restrain from doing something they shouldn't. What that thing was, nobody would know.

Tommy looked up at his older brother in the eyes and whispered a small "I just wanted to check if you were okay".

Wilbur felt Techno's intense glare as Tommy waited for confirmation that the eldest was okay.

He wasn't.

"Y'know what, Tommy? I've had enough of not being able to get some alone time. Do you know why? Because every time you fucking open your mouth, I get a headache!"

With every word, his voice rose, and Wilbur was aware of that. He honestly didn't care anymore.

"EVER SINCE YOU WERE ADOPTED 2 YEARS AGO, I HAVEN'T HAD A SINGLE QUIET MOMENT!" By the end of his small rant, Wilbur was breathing heavily. His eyes refocused from his angry daze to see the boy he was yelling at shrink back and run to his room, breathing just as hard as himself.

His own words still rattled around in his head, worsening his headache as he realised, he had royally fucked up.

Wilbur's pink-haired brother turned the corner and leaned against the wall opposite Wilbur with a small frown of disappointment taking form on his lips.

"That was too far, even for me Will. You know it's a trigger."

Without a word, the two boys leave to the backyard.

Nobody went after Tommy.


It wasn't bad this time.

It was just a justified little yell. He initiated it after all.

So why did he feel scared?

They've left me.

They didn't want me in the first place.

Everyone else kicked me out of their homes, now they will too.

The tears spilled freely from Tommy's eyes as he looked around frantically for someone to hold on to. The room was dark, and it felt as if it was closing in. Techno would usually be there for him. Where was he?

They've left me.

They've left me.

They've left me.

Broken sobs and hiccups erupted from his throat as the same sentence swirled around in his mind against his will. There was nothing to ground him this time as he spiralled out of control.


'Boys, I'm home!"

For the first time in years, his words echoed around the house with no welcoming voices greeting him from his long day at work.

Phil loved his three boys with all his heart, even if they were the most chaotic people to ever come into his life.

Wilbur and Techno were his biological sons, with Techno being older by just a few minutes. The family seemed overjoyed when Phil announced the new member of the household, Tommy. He'd been through multiple foster homes and then opted to run away from it all before he'd been found rummaging through Phil's bins.

Oh, how their lives had all changed.

The blonde man quietly set down his keys and took off his bucket hat before heading upstairs to the boy's rooms. Chances are, they would be playing a game after streaming. Phil knew that Tommy and Technoblade had finished streaming hours ago.

Phil reached Tommy's door first, so he opted to knock quietly before entering the dark room filled with his streaming setups and bare necessities.

He looked around the room, and spied Tommy underneath his desk, tangled in all of the cords and cables he had messily put in place when the family moved houses recently. He quickly rushed to the sleeping boy, but not before being startled by the picture of Ed Sheerin on the wall.

What the fuck?

Right. Child first.

He crouched down and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of his youngest, before gently shaking the boy awake and taking him into his arms.


"Yeah, Tommy I'm here."

Judging by the dried tear streaks that shone in the light of the hallway, Tommy had another episode and nobody was there to help him. 

It wasn't long before the boy in the red and white t-shirt drifted back to sleep involuntarily, and Phil decided to place him on his soft bed before seeking out the other two boys.


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