These are the Times

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Background: During the first Dream SMP vs L'manberg war, and things are taken very seriously, holy land exists already and is located on a hill (please pretend just look at the picture), Tommy and Will are brothers, and Niki is there during the war.


Sundays were everybody's favourite days.

It was the one day where everybody would meet in the Holy Land and have fun, catch up with friends on other sides, and let go.

The truce on Sundays was declared when Sapnap had sprung on Tommy and Tubbo, who was at the time, unarmed. Dream was outraged, to say the least. 

The war had, in some ways, left friendships ruined and unconnected, but there was still a deep underlying connection between some. 

The war left lands barren and grey, but the best place in the entire world was the Holy Land. It was a place built by Tommy, Dream and some of the others in a time of peace. It represented the hope that they could resolve this conflict and finally have happiness for the members of L'manberg, the neutrals, and the Dream SMP.

Every day, Wilbur woke up at around 6 am to climb onto their van and watch the sunrise. He wore a simple grey beanie and yellow cardigan, excited to throw the dirty uniform all over the floor and not worry about putting it on until Monday. 

It was soothing to watch the dark sky melt from a smooth pink and orange to a yellow and eventually blue as the sun made itself visible.

It was only a matter of time when he heard the hushed chatter come from inside the van. It was like a tradition for Tommy and Tubbo to talk quietly in their bunks on a Sunday morning. Wilbur didn't know what they were doing or talking about. He would let them have their time as best friends.

The two boys eventually came out of the van. They and Wilbur were the only ones that actually slept in the van, but the others would surely meet up there soon to head over to the Holy Land with their companions. 

"Hey, Big Dubs!" Tommy greeted with a bright smile on his face. He was affectionately holding hands with Tubbo, the brunette beside him. They sure did have an unbreakable friendship.

"Ay Tommy." 

It was always nice when the three let down their guard for the day. There would be no attacks, no punishment for trespassing and just friendly banter.

This war really had taken a toll on them.

The three sat there in silence for a good 10 minutes before the others showed up together. Fundy and Niki were laughing about something while Eret trailed behind slowly laughing aswell.

The six of them quickly exchanged greetings and grabbed their things before heading out of the walls that surrounded their nation.

The tall brunette had to shield his eyes at the sudden glaring of the sun and walked alongside Tommy and Tubbo as they talked about Vikk, occasionally laughing at something particularly dumb his brother said.

They weren't much of an army, but their courage and friendship always pulled them through.

They walked for a few kilometres before the shadow of a large tower fell upon them, protecting them from the gentle rising of the heat. 

As soon as the L'manbergians stepped through the small smooth stone arch that marked the beginning of this special land, Tommy was engulfed into a hug from Dream, the enemy.

"Tommy I'm sorry about yesterday, you weren't meant to be hit!" Dream rushedly said, squeezing the shorter boy before letting go and stood a short distance from the group.

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