
31.8K 798 1.7K

Triggers: Mentions of verbal abuse

Background: SBI live together


Tommy was always that annoying child that everybody pretended to not want around. He was that upbeat, positive kid that could pick up on anything wrong with someone and immediately try to help them. 

Technoblade knew that everybody gave Tommy a hard time, and he knew that he did that too. The thing is, anybody close to the pair knew that Tommy and Techno had an unbreakable bond, even if they didn't know it themselves.

After Tommy had been kicked out of his home by his verbally abusive parents, Phil had adopted him into their odd family dynamic, making the three boys Tommy's legal guardians. Technoblade knew better than anyone that Tommy was still on the road to recovery after the trauma his old household gave him. Techno was the one there to comfort Tommy after a particularly bad nightmare and he was always there to hold on to Tommy on the floor during his panic attacks.

Tommy made his appreciation known by always taking Techno's side on different matters (unless they are against him) and follow him around, and that made him come off clingy to many of his Techno's viewers, and Techno himself has made jokes about it. 

It was one of those rainy days that would calm you down enough to go to sleep after a stressful day. Techno loved the rain, and today he found himself sitting on one of the window sills in the living room.

Lately, the group of four had been separated quite a lot, despite their living conditions in which they have a shared house. Wilbur had decided that he wanted to take his music career to a new level, going on multiple tours. This of course required so much planning that Wilbur was constantly in meetings with managers and fellow musicians.

Phil had to focus on the drama that had been put on his profile lately, although it wasn't anything that the SBI had to worry about.

Tommy seemed to be recording constantly, wanting to prove himself to his now 2 million follower fanbase. It was a lot of pressure on the 16-year-old's shoulders, but Techno knew that Tommy wasn't stupid and would not push himself.

Meanwhile, Techno only had to focus on getting better at Minecraft in preparation for the upcoming events and tournaments, so he almost always had time to himself.

Techno sighed as he noticed Wilbur's clock in the living room indicate that it was nearing 7:00 pm. He didn't know why the clock was in there, something about punishing his viewers?

Techno got up from the comfortable spot and headed over the kitchen, getting out the ingredients to make a simple spaghetti for his 'brothers' as he fondly calls them.

It seemed to be a rather odd night for Techno. There was no music from Wilbur from the room closest to the kitchen and no hearty laughing coming from Phil. The thing that concerned Techno most was that there was no yelling coming from Tommy's room upstairs. He would always be streaming at this time, and as much as Techno acted annoyed at the boy for this loud personality, he couldn't help but wonder where it went.

All he could hear was the pitter-patter of the raindrops from outside.


Tommy sat at his desk, illuminated only by his monitors. On the central monitor, one of his videos was up. The comment sections of his videos always held quotes, criticism and constructive feedback; Tommy searched for the latter.

You need to get better.

Tommy sighed and rested his head for a few minutes against his palms, his arms rested comfortably on the edge of his desk. Unbeknownst to his brothers, Tommy wasn't sleeping and he most definitely wasn't eating as well as he could be. In fact, Tommy would be amazed that Techno (who was always observing) didn't realise how sleep deprived he was if he wasn't falling asleep every minute.

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