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Hey wonderful people! This is a reminder that you have worth and I love you :)

Triggers: Claustrophobia, abandonment, (schlatt but being nice)

Background: Minecraft Dream SMP AU

Art is by @ VateAAB on twitter.



No no no no no...

He was stuck. 


What did he think would happen?


"Tommy? What are you doing down there?" Will asked innocently, looking down at the boy trapped between the two pistons. He was using that tone. The tone which meant that he was in the mood to tease the younger.

Tommy was starting to hyperventilate, knowing the consequences of the lack of carbon but not being able to stop. There was nothing he could do.

He was trapped with no way out. The pressure on his shoulder blade and abdomen had increased tenfold once he'd started breathing heavily. 

What is Wilbur doing?

All Tommy wanted to do was create his own bedroom in their bunker. What could go wrong in that? Everything. 

"Wait... Are you actually trapped in there?!" Wilbur laughed, noticing the silence and realising the current situation. 

Will was always the perceptive type? Why is he ignoring me?

Tommy knew that he wouldn't be able to think clear soon, and he forced himself to take slower breaths. Surely he wouldn't die here, right?

The shadow of Wilbur moved slightly as the taller chuckled slowly, before moving entirely out of Tommy's eyes revealing a light that he wasn't able to block. Tommy shut his eyes. 

Block it out. They'll get you out.

"OY TECHNO!" Wilbur shouted across the room, "Come look at this!"

Oh, God.

All he could register now was the distinct sound of laughter filling the cavern and the pain of the pistons on his joints.

God, it hurts.

Tommy was panicking. He'd been locked in rooms before. People always seemed to think that it was funny how Tommy was freaking out in every situation like this. The difference between those times and this was that he couldn't move at all. The searing pain on his neck, lower back and stomach wanted to make him vomit.

So he did.

The coughing and wheezing that his now strained breaths somehow made the pistons push harder, making his scream out in agony.

Tommy cleared his head for a second to listen into his idol's conversation happening just metres away from him.

"He's so overdramatic."

"What a neerrrd."

Tears started to spill from Tommy's eyes when he realised that he couldn't feel his toes, nor move them around in his shoe. That was his way of dealing with anxiety, and now it only spiked it up again.

"Why are you guys laughing?"


Tubbo was his best friend, right? The most compassionate and loving soul in this world that Tommy knew of. He would help Tommy out, right?

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