Never Will Be

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Background: Minecraft Dream SMP AU


"There's a reason you're not President and never will be, Tommy."

Those words hurt.

People liked him, right? He was a likeable person, right? What did Wilbur mean by reason? 

Everybody hurts sometimes.

He'll be okay.

People are in worse situations.

It's just been a rough couple days.

Likes and subs. Likes and subs.

What did that phrase even mean?

All he knew was how to survive in the cruel world of the Dream SMP.

Tubbo would agree with him, right?

Tommy wiped a falling tear from his cheekbone, packing up his ender chest and other important belongings on his skeleton horse. 

He couldn't do anything right.

This was his only option.

It was clear that Wilbur never needed him. He'll never be enough, right? All of those jokes at the expense of Tommy's pride were hinting at that. 

Why couldn't he have noticed sooner?

Digging his horse out of the dirt pit it resided, Tommy jumped onto the horse. Thankfully it could take his weight and all of his stuff and still moved rather quickly. Dodging and weaving through the forest's branches kept his mind off these thoughts.

There was one thing he needed, and he planned to get it soon when the moon was full in a few days. Right now, however, his priority was to find a small, secluded area for his horse and stuff. He hadn't thought this through, hadn't he?

He pulled the horse to a halt once his vision was too blurred to find a clear route through the trees. 

What was wrong with him?

Why does nobody trust him?

What happened to Tommy Trusty?

What did he need to change about himself to please Wilbur?

I'm lost.

I'm lost and I have nobody to go back to.

I just have to wait until the full moon and I'll be just fine.


Sleepybois Oneshots (PLATONIC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant