Fall Out

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Tommy being sad is fun to write-

Triggers: Fights

Background: Real life


"But Tubbo-"

"No Tommy. I'm sick and tired of the constant teasing and bullying. Sometimes I know you're joking but other times... It just hurts," Tubbo said dejectedly, his stance becoming more defensive the more he talked.

Tommy reached out for his friend, desperately trying to find something to say to fix what he'd done. He'd pushed his best friend as far as he could go.

"Tommy, please. You know that my joking about my dyslexia isn't funny to me, and it's no longer just a funny bit."

When Tommy looked into the older boy's eyes, he was surprised at the intense burning anger that replaced the hurt in his dark pupils.

"I'm sorry Tubbo. I never meant to hurt you." 

By now Tommy had started to back away from the person he loved most, save from his immediate family. He didn't deserve Tubbo, the caring, happy person he used to call one of the best people in the world - not in front of the camera. 

It was time to leave.


Tommy didn't know where he was going, per se. 

All of the gang, Wilbur, Techno, Phil, Tubbo and Tommy met up in Brighton for Tubbo's 17th birthday. It had been an entertaining day, to say the least. Tommy and Tubbo had been surprised with a day at the arcade and pooled in all their tickets to let Tubbo chose his presents.

It had been a couple of days since then and the group had decided to extend their stay, all of them sleeping in the living room of Wilbur's house.

Going back there certainly was not an option.

Tommy knew that Tubbo would break if he saw him again. Of course, he knew this about his best friend, but he didn't know when to stop pushing his buttons.

Tommy walked down the unfamiliar street with his earphones in. It was a slightly chilly evening and it was becoming dark quickly, and his phone was going to run out of charge in about half an hour. The smart thing to do would be to call Wilbur and ask him to pick him up while he could, but Tommy wasn't emotionally ready to go back to Tubbo, knowing he would probably hurt him again.

Before he knew it, the young adult began crying in the busy streets, walking in no particular direction as the faces and objects before him blurred through the tears.

He couldn't take it.

Everywhere he went he brought hate and sadness. It showed in Tubbo's eyes the moment he went too far. It showed in Wilbur's voice every time he was killed in among us, saying that he was glad the child was dead. It showed when he was ignored by his idols.




Tommy was always confused by the fact that one of the most considerate and kind people was his best friend. People often call it ignorance. Before, Tubbo called it love. Now, Tommy didn't even know where they stood.

Would Tubbo forgive him?

Would he be accepted again, and if so, would it happen again?

Before he knew it, Tommy's battery was out of charge, and there were only a few people milling around the streets, a few drunk and some just having a good time with their friends.

Tommy sighed when he realised that he needed to ask a stranger for a phone call.

Just another dumb mistake.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, may I borrow your phone? I'm lost and I need my friend to come pick me up." Tommy asked as he approached a woman, maintaining social distance. 

"Sure, as long as you don't take it," she sweetly replied, digging through her purse for an old phone. It would do.

Punching in Wilbur's phone number, he picked up on the second ring. Although Tommy didn't have the phone to his ear yet, he heard an anxious 'Hello?' emit from the phone speakers.

"Hello, Wilbur," Tommy spoke into the mic, already feeling the tears pool in his eyelids before blinking them back down. He couldn't cry, not in front of the kind woman. Not in the hearing range of Wilbur. 

You are a man and you are strong.

Ignoring the incessant lecturing of Wilbur as soon as Tommy replied, he mumbled a small, I need you to pick me up and listed a few distinguishable features of the street. 

Hanging up, Tommy muttered a genuine thank you to the woman who had lent him her phone and proceeded to sit down on the nearest bench doing nothing but listening to the distant bird calls.


It wasn't long before the beat-up car of Wilbur's pulled onto the curb right in front of Tommy, with a few figures in the seats.

Without even having the time to look up from his hands, Tommy was engulfed in a hug from multiple sides, the car left running in the background.

"Tommy, why would you do that?" Wilbur asked sadly into Tommy's left ear, the older man seemingly sitting down beside him while wrapping his arms around his friend.

"I...I, Tubbo-" Tommy sputtered out, on the verge of crying the tears that he'd tried so hard to keep in after so long.

"I'm here Tommy." 

Tommy turned to where the sweet voice came from, seeing the sweet boy on his right. He was crying the tears that Tommy refused to spill.

Tentatively reaching over to wipe the tears falling over Tubbo's cheek, the other two men in the hug watched the interaction, sad but not quite as upset as Tubbo or Tommy.

As soon as his thumb made contact with his cheek, Tubbo subtly leaned into Tommy's thumb.

Tommy lifted his head a bit more to show wet eyes, refusing to spill the tears. Staring directly into Tubbo's eyes, they shared a small hint of understanding.

"It's okay Tommy. I forgive you," Tubbo whispered softly into the younger boy's ear.

Tears were now pouring from both pairs of eyes, despite Tommy's futile attempt to wipe them away. Phil and Wilbur watched the interaction from about a metre away, ready to step in if anything went wrong.

"I'm so sorry Tubbo, I'm such a bad friend," Tommy sobbed, quickly reciprocating the hug from Tubbo, hiding in his friend's shoulder to hide from the possibly judging gazes of the people on the street.

No. I am a man and I am strong.

"You don't have to be strong all the time Tommy," Tommy looked up to meet Tubbo's eyes once again, a watery smile taking place across both boy's faces.

Perhaps he had underestimated Tubbo's innate ability to forgive.


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