Quite A Common Fairy

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We continued our trek through the jungle. Mary Margaret and David were bantering at the front of the pack, followed by Regina and me with Hook and Emma bringing up the rear. I don't know why Emma was at the back, she was the one with the map, she should be out front."How much further?" Regina demanded.

"We should be getting close to Pan's lair." Emma informed. We all paused to ponder the map. "Going in a straight-line course..." Emma opened the map. I peered at it...and the 'x' changed position. "Son of a...how is it behind us?"

"How can that be?" Mary Margaret wondered.

"You got us lost." Regina accused.

"No, she didn't." Hook said. "It's the camp. Pan's moving it."

"He's playing tricks on us." David sighed.

"You're just now figuring that out?" I asked.

"If Pan's camp keeps moving, how are we gonna find Henry?" Emma asked.

"So this whole treak has been for nothing?" Regina questioned. "I told you walking was idiotic. IF we can just use some Magic, we can materialise in the camp and grab Henry."

"We don't even know where the camp is, have you even been listening?" Mary Margaret demanded.

"Pan'll have shields against Magic." Hook explained. "I fear such an attempt would end in your death and more importantly, mine. Which is why we're walking."

"Well then what's your idea?" Regina asked. "How are we going to find it?"

"By using someone he trusts."

"Who?" David questioned. "Because I'd guess he certainly doesn't trust you."

"A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She'd be an inside source, knows all about the camp and can get us in. She might even have some Pixie Dust left. Perhaps we could fly in."

"Fairy as in singular?" I questioned. "I mean, I know our worlds are different but...only one fairy? Plus Pixie Dust?" I pointed to everyone around the circle, from David to Mary Margaret than to Regina, Hook and Emma and then myself. "Adult, adult, adult, adult, adult and non-believer, too mature for my age."

"You mean Fairy Dust?" Emma said.

"No, Pixie Dust." David corrected. "It's stronger, like nuclear Fairy Dust."

"Wait. A Fairy...Tinkerbell?"

"She's the only logical explanation." I mused. "Unless there's a Pixie Hollow in this world."

"Oh, you two know her?" Hook asked.

"Every kid in the world knows her." Emma said.

"And her daughter goes to my school." I added. "Heck, even the Princess of Pixie Hollow attends Auradon Prep, Clara isn't one to mess with and I've never met her."

"It's a bad idea." Regina argued. "Mark my words, this Tinkerbell is not going to save us." And with that, we pushed on ahead. I kept close to Emma and near the back of the group. "Emma! Hadley!" Regina called. "There is another way."

"Is there?" Emma asked.


"Gina, we just went through the reasons we shouldn't use Magic to find Henry." I sighed. "Using magic for mundane tasks like lighting a fire or gathering wood is fine, but to find someplace we know nothing of is dangerous, it's a big risk, the chances of which are not in our favour."

"I'm not talking about my Magic. I'm talking about our Magic."

"I am not interested." Emma told her. "One thing I've learned is that it always comes with a price."

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