The Enchanted Forest

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It's been a month since Maleficent has been defeated and things are going amazingly. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and myself have never been happier. I was sitting next to Evie and Mal reading my book in our dorm. "So, apparently you're the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming?" Mal clarified,

"Yep." I nodded,

"And you have a sister?" Evie inquired,

"Say's so in the book." I said. I pulled out my baby blanket that I had bought with me. "They match." I placed it next to the picture in the book with Snow White holding me.

"So basicly your the daughter of Evie's mother's worst enemy." Mal checked,

"I'm still the daughter of the Queen of Hearts. This woman, she gave birth to me but my Mother raised me." I took my blanket and snapped the book shut. I then saw a crow land on our windowsill. I went up to it and opened the window. The crow stuck out it's leg and I saw a note attached to it. I took it off and opened it. My eyes widened as I read it.

"What does it say?"

"To my dear Hadley, I have escaped the island but I mean no harm to Auradon. I want you to follow the crow to my location, I need to show you something. Pack a bag of clothes and supplies. Love, Mother."

"So your mother wants to meet you?" Evie questioned,

"Yes. And I will go." I held out my arm for the Crow and it landed on my shoulder. I started to walk around, packing a bag. Mal put her hand on mine,

"If you're going, I'm coming with you." She said,

"Me too." Evie said, standing up,

"We are to." I heard a voice from the doorway and saw Ben, Carlos and Jay.

"Ben no." I protested,

"Hadley. If your mother is who you say she is, I want to go with you." Ben argued.

"But Ben, you're the king, you can't-"

"I'll get my father to do some work for a while." He assured me,

"You sure?"

"Yes." We all went off and packed our things. We then all gathered in the front garden of the school, where King Beast's statue stood tall. I let the crow fly away and we all ran to keep up with it. We ran into the woods and past the Enchanted Lake. We eventually reached a doorway in the middle of the woods. "This was definitely not here before." Ben stated.

"Well then, in we go." I reached out and opened the door. Instead of an empty doorway, we saw a weird glowing portal. I looked at my friends and they ussured me with their eyes. I looked back at the portal and walked through it. I ended up in a grassy field with large trees looming over me. I stared at the change of scenery in wonder as my friends appeared beside me.

"This place is so amazing." Mal and Evie choroused.

"Hadley dear!" I heard a voice call out. I then saw my Mother standing a bit ahead of us with a smile on her face.

"Mother!" I cried, dashing up to her. I dumped my bags and wrapped my mother in a hug.

"Oh Princess I missed you." Mother pushed me away to arms length. She looked past me to my friends. "Why are your friends here?"

"They wanted to come."

"Why do you need Hadley here?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah, I feel like there is some important life or death mission that we need to undertake." Jay agreed.

"Cora!" A voice shouted. I turned to see a dark skinned man in armour approach us on a horse, a battalion of soldiers behind him. "You are surrounded, don't resist. Release the children and we won't bring harm to you."

"And why would I hurt my own daughter?" Mother asked.

"Just do it."

"Fine." Mother waved her hand and my friends and I were behind the line of soldiers.

"MOTHER!" I shouted as I ran to reach her. A guard held me back.

"It will be alright dear." Mother assured, "I'll be fine."

It's been months since we arrived in the Enchanted Forest, it's nothing like I read

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It's been months since we arrived in the Enchanted Forest, it's nothing like I read. Ogres run rampant and most of the land is destroyed. But there is a sanctuary which is where Lancelot took us. Mulan helped us train, it was hard for me to not comment about Lonnie. We were given clothes from this world, but I insisted that I keep my violin and necklace. Mal, Evie and I worked as seamstresses for the sanctuary while Ben, Carlos and Jay worked as farmers. One day, Mulan bought some people to the sanctuary. I paused my work and stood, exiting the small hut and looking at who had arrived. They were all women, two that looked nothing alike, but looked so similar at the same time. One of them was a brunette that held herself like a princess, she was not bound like the other two. One of the women had long blonde hair who wore a red leather jacket with black pants and a black shirt. The other had short black hair who wore a off white scarf, pale purple cardigan, white shirt and black pants. Clothes of another realm. I looked at Evie and Mal who were also staring at the duo. The black haired woman then elbowed the princess and shouted, "Emma! Run!" The blonde did just that. Mulan then threw something that hit the black haired woman.

"Mary Margaret!" The blonde, Emma, exclaimed as she ran back to her companion. She turned Mary Margaret over onto her back, "Mary Margaret!" I quickly put my work on a table inside and rushed back out to the scene with Mal and Evie on my heels. "What did you do?" Emma asked.

"Take them to the pit." Mulan ordered. "Hadley, Mal, escort them." I nodded and followed the brutes that held Emma and Mary Margaret. Their actions felt familiar in a way when Mary Margaret tried to escape.

"What are these two little girls escorting us when you have these guys with you?"

"Little girls?" Mal asked venomously as our eyes flashed green and gold respectively. I then sighed as I took a note out of my chest area.

"Could you give this to the other inmate." I whispered.

"Why?" Emma questioned as I put it in her jacket pocket discreetly.

"Please just do it. I need it to get to them." Pretty soon, we came to the underground entrance of the pit. Mal and I were not allowed to go near the pit entrance so we made our way back to the hut we were previously working in. Ben, Carlos and Jay were there as well.

"So, who are they?" Ben asked.

"I don't know. We only know their names."

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