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We all eventually made it to the beanstalk. "It's a little freakier than I remember from the story." Emma admitted as we gazed up at it.

"Reminds me of death." Mulan stated.

"Encouraging." Mal said plainly.

"Well." Hook started, "The compass awaits. Shall we?"

"Wait, if these beans create...portals, why not just pick one and go home, why the compass?" Emma asked as we walked to the base of the beanstalk.

"Because there aren't any more beans." Hook explained. "Whatever story you think you know my dear, is most certainly wrong."

"There was a guy named Jack, and a cow-"

"Giant who had treasure." I added,

"And something about a goose. Or harp."

"Sounds like a lovely tale." Hook stated. "But the truth's a little more gruesome. The Giants grew the beans but rather use them for good, they used them to plunder all the lands. Jack, whose mean fought a terrible war, defeating all the terrible giants. The beans were destroyed by the Giants when they died, they couldn't have the magic nobody could. It's very bad form."

"Evil giants, who made magic portal beans, why doesn't anyone go up and grow some more?"

"Because one giant survived."

"Great." Jay muttered angrily.

"The strongest and most terrible of them all. And we'll have to get past him-"

"To the magic compass." Mary Margaret finished.

"Indeed. The treasure remains and amongst it is the compass. Now it will guide us to your land." Hook pointed at Emma. "Cora has the means to open a portal with the wardrobe ashes, but she can't find your land without the compass. So we get it, Hadley steals the ashes from Cora and were on our way."

"Why do I have to do it?" I asked.

"How do we know you're not just using us to get the compass for Cora." Mulan accused, ignoring my protest.

"Because you lot a far safer company." Hook admitted, "All I need is a ride back. I swear allegiance to whomever gets me there first."

"Then we better start climbing." Emma stated. I gasped,

"I just remembered!" I exclaimed,

"What is it?" Mary Margaret asked,

"I remember reading that the beanstalk is enchanted." I took my bag off my back and fished through it. "It repels all intruders."

"Alright so how do we get up there?" Emma questioned,

"Hold your horses blondie, she has a plan." Mal replied. I bought out Mother's spell book.

"Here it is." I muttered, running my hand over the cover.

"That's Cora's!" Mary Margaret exclaimed. I ignored her and opened the book, setting my bag on the ground. I flipped through the pages until I found a spell.

"I only have enough magic to cast this spell on two people. So that means that we need to figure out who else is to go. Hook has to be one of them because he knows what what his doing, unfortunately."

"If you'd be so kind." Hook spoke up, holding out his bound hands. Mary Margaret handed her bow to Emma as she walked up to Hook. She glared at him as she undid the rope around his hands. Hook leant down so he was closer to Mary Margaret, "Thank you m'lady." Hook winked. I glared at him. I walked up to the pair,

"She is a married woman Hook, don't waste your time." I stated, pulling Mary Margaret back.

"Cora was to accompany me, as she cast the spell on herself. So, which one of you seven lovely ladies will take her place, hmm? Go on, fight it out. Don't be afraid to, you know, really get into it. Or if the gentleman want to accompany me, I'm alright with that too." Ben glared at Hook, obviously not trusting him. All of us grouped together, deciding who was going to go up.

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