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"It can't be." I whispered,

"Go away Mother." Mal sighed. Maleficent started to laugh,

"She's funny." Mal's mother snorted, "Your very funny." Maleficent turned to me. "Wand me. Chop chop." I acted like I was going to but then threw it at the Fairy Godmother who caught it,


"Boo." Maleficent cut the Fairy Godmother off and froze everybody. She looked around, "Psych." Maleficent said. She walked up to Beast and took off his glasses, "Oh, in another time, in another time." She put his glasses on crookedly. She walked up to Fairy Godmother and yanked the wand out of her hand. She put the tip of it up Fairy Godmother's nose, "Oh, oh oh, someone needs to pluck their nose hairs." Maleficent looked at us, "Where shall we begin?" Maleficent ducked underneath one of Fairy Godmother's arms, "I know, your mother would want to start by getting rid of this!" She pointed at Ben's ring and it flew off my finger onto the wand, "Perfect fit!" I looked at my hand sadly. Maleficent ducked underneath Fairy Godmother's other arm, "Oh, excuse me, pardon me, the horns, the horns!" Mal's mother walked up to Ben, "Falling in love is weak." She turned his head to her, "And ridiculous." She put his crown on the side and turned his head forward again. A tear slipped down my cheek, "It's not what you want."

"My Mother knows what I want!" I butted in, "She always asks me what I want. You all think that she is evil, but I'm not like what she used to be."

"Oh obviously." Maleficent said in a 'duh' tone, "We've had years and years and years of practice being evil, you'll get there. That mark proves it." I took one quick glance at the dragon wrapping around my arm before looking at the mistress of evil.

"No I will not." I interrupted her again, "And I really wish you hadn't gotten there yourself." Maleficent glared at me, "Love is not weak, or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing."

"Your mother and I know one thing missy, you have no room for love in your life!" She shouted, pointing the wand at me. I glared at her,

"And now I command, wand to my hand!" I shouted on instinct. The wand was then surrounded in a golden light, It moved so that it was in my hand instead of Maleficent's. "It worked!" I yelped. I never knew I had magic!

"I hardly think so, I think this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand, give me the wand!" Maleficent stuck out her hand,

"Hold on Hads, maybe good really is more powerful than evil." Carlos suggested. Maleficent started to laugh,

"Oh please! You're killing me. Arf!" Maleficent barked to try and scare Carlos. Dude then came running in and jumped on Maleficent. "Oh! Oh the breath! The breth get off me!" She got Dude of her, when Jay went to take her sceptre. Maleficent looked him in the eyes and rubbed his arm, "Gaston should be jealous." She flicked Jay's head and he fell back, "Enough!" She shouted, "You all will regret this!" Green smoke covered Maleficent as she turned into a dragon. My blood ran cold. Maleficent let out a roar and flew up. She spit fire at Jay who quickly ducked out of the way. He ran over to another pillar but Maleficent cut him off, snapping at him,

"Come on! Run, Jay run!" Carlos shouted, Jay ran up to the podium but once again Maleficent cut him off. I raced over to the orchestra, Wand tightly gripped in my hand. I grabbed a Violin from a member's hand and ran back to my friends. I held the bow and the Wand in one hand and rested the violin on my shoulder. I started to play a couple of notes before a wave of magic shot from the violin, confusing the large dragon for a second. I now know that I had magic, so I just infused magic into the music.

"Hurry Jay! Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Mal called out to him. Jay ran towards us with Maleficent on his heels. He managed to dive behind us as Evie pulled out her mirror,

"Magic mirror shine your bright light!" The light from the mirror shot directly into Maleficent's eyes. She fell to the ground. I continued to play, confusing Maleficent.

"Behind me E. Leave my friends alone!" Mal shouted, standing in front of us, "This is between you and me mother." They started their own staring contest. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one." I got what Mal was doing and stood next to her. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one." Mal chanted. Jay, Carlos and Evie stood next to me. Mal and Maleficent's eyes were glowing green. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one." Mal chanted one last time. We waited a couple of moments before Maleficent blinked and a green smoke surrounded her. I looked at my friends to see they were all unharmed. We smiled when we saw that the Fairy Godmother had been released from the spell. We ran up to where the smoke was shrinking,

"What just happened?" Carlos asked,

"I have no idea!" Mal responded,

"Did you do it?" Evie questioned,

"I don't know!"

"No, no, no, no. Maleficent did." Fairy Godmother explained, stopping in front of us. "She shrank down to the size of the love in her heart. That's why it's so itty bitty." We looked down to see a tiny purple salamander.

"Is she going to stay like that forever?" Mal inquired as she and I knelt down to the little thing,

"Well," Fairy Godmother also knelt, "Forever is a long time, Hadley learnt to love, so can Maleficent." I smiled and held out the wand,

"I believe this belongs to you." I told the Fairy Godmother as she took it and picked up something on the floor,

"And I believe this, belongs to you." She held out Ben's ring. Mal and I stood up as I slipped the ring back on my finger. "You all have earned ourselves an A in goodness class." We all laughed and Mal and Evie high fived. "Bibbidy-Bobbidy-Boo!" Ben rushed forward trying to roar. I stepped in front of him and put my hand on his chest. He looked around to see that Maleficent was gone.

"We already have it wrapped up Ben, no need to-" I yelped as Ben picked my up and spun me around,

"Next time I rescue you Ok?" Ben asked, putting me down

"Yeah," I put my hands on his shoulders, "Let's not let there be a next time ok?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me into a hug. We let go of eachother and I reached up to his crown. I tilted his crown to the side like Maleficent did. I looked over to see Fairy Godmother telling of Jane,

"I'll be right back." Mal told us and walked over to them,

"Don't scare me like that again." Ben told me,

"I won't." We hugged again. I looked at the violin in my hands. "Give me one second." I walked over to the orchestra member whose Violin I took. "Sorry." I handed it back to him,

"You keep it." He said, pushing the Violin back into my hands. "I can no longer play it, as it is infused with Magic now." The man must have seen my confused expression, "Look." The man pointed at the head of the Violin, where a red gem was now embedded. The gem then seeped colour into the Violin, the brown of the wood turning white with gold trim. The bow was the same. The gem looked exactly like my necklace.

"Thank you." I said gratefully.

"Hey!" I looked over to Mal who was talking to a servant who was putting the spell jar over Maleficent, "Careful! That's my mum." I walked over to them as Jay put an arm around Evie and Carlos, Evie put an arm around Ben, Carlos put an arm around Mal and when I got closer, Ben put his arm around me.

"Let's get this party started!" Jay declared,

"Ohay Ohey, Hey!" We shouted.

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