Welcome to Auradon

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In front of Mal's house sat a stretch limo, adorned with a mini crown. I gave most of my bags to the limo driver, keeping my purse and Violin case, there is no way I am leaving my violin case in the hands of a stranger, even if he is from Auradon. I walked up to the limo door and started to get in but Carlos came rushing out, "Carlos!" Cruella called out. Carlos threw his trash bag of clothes into the limo and dashed past me into the limo. I hopped in after him. I sat next to Evie and Mal sat on my other side when she got in. I placed my Violin case on the floor in front of our feet and my purse on my lap.

"Have fun dear!" Mother waved at me. I smiled and waved back.

"Bring home the gold!" Jafar called out to his son.

"Bring home a puppy!" Cruella demanded,

"Bring home a prince!" The Evil Queen shouted at Evie. The Limo drove out of the run down street. Jay and Carlos instantly went to grab some candy. Evie then started to brush my cheek with makeup,

"Your looking a little washed up," She said, I closed my eyes as she did my makeup. Unlike Mal I take pride in my appearance, but not as much as Evie. After Evie had applied some blush, eyeliner and eyeshadow, she stopped. "Done." She stated. I opened my eyes to see her holding her mirror in front of my face. I had red and black eyeshadow.

"Wow, thanks E, I love it." I complimented. She smiled and turned in her seat, grabbing a blue candy on a stick and biting into it. I looked around to see a bowl of candies with small 's' on them. There was an array of colours, orange, green, red, purple and yellow. I grabbed a red one and popped it in my mouth. I smiled at the flavor and grabbed some more.

"Oh, these," Carlos started, hitting Jay on the arm, "There salty like nuts but sweet like I don't know what."

"Let me see." Jay said. Carlos opened his mouth, showing jay the chewed up piece in his mouth. Jay grabbed the half eaten candy and popped into his mouth, Mal was playing around with a button. She pressed it as I looked out the driver's windshield window, my eyes widened,

"Look!" I exclaimed. We were heading straight to the magic barrier,

"It's a trap!" Carlos yelped. We all huddled together, fearing the worst. Evie and I held onto each other for dear life. When nothing happened, we sat up, "What just happened?" Carlos asked, Evie looked out the driver's windshield window. A bridge, made out of yellow bricks was spread out before us. (A/N Follow the yellow brick road!! Ok I'll stop....)

"It must be magic!" Evie exclaimed, bouncing in her seat. Mal turned to the driver and taped the button she pressed,

"Hey, did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" She asked,

"No, this one opens the magic barrier." The limo driver said, holding up a gold button, "That one opens my garage, and this one..." He pushed a button on the dashboard that closed the partition.

"Ok," Mal started, turning back around, "Nasty...I like that guy." She stated. We drove until we reached a driveway to a school that looked like a castle. The sign at the front of the school driveway said 'Welcome To Auradon Prep - Goodness Doesn't Get Any Better' I smiled, my Mother wants me to find my own happiness. This is where it starts. We stopped in front of some people. I slung my purse over my shoulder and my hand held tightly onto my Violin case. Jay and Carlos tumbled out of the car, each tugging on the end of a posh scarf. Mal got out next, then Evie, then me. I held my Violin case with both my hands, I don't trust these Auradonians.

"You got everything else, why do you want whatever-this-is!" Carlos screeched as the band that was playing came to an abrupt stop,

"Because you want it!" Jay replied, still pulling. We then noticed that three people, two girls and a boy, had approached us. The older lady was a teacher, obviously, she had brown hair styled neatly wearing a blue dress with a pink bow. The girl had brown hair and caramel skin. I had to admit, the boy was kinda cute, he had honey blonde hair and hazel eyes.

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