Lady of the Lake

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Ben poked his head through the doorway of the hut me and the girls were working in. "Mal, Hadley. You need to escort the prisoners." Ben said. I nodded and put my work down before following Ben towards the top pit entrance. "Be careful." Ben said.

"Ben, I've faced a dragon and survived, I think a few powerless prisoners aren't gonna hurt me." I assured him I quickly pecked Ben on the cheek before he left. Mal and I threw a rope down towards the inmates. My Mother stood beside Mary Margaret.

"Our leader wants to talk." Mal said. Mary Margaret and Emma hauled themselves up out of the pit.

"Why can't you just listen to me?" Mary Margaret asked Emma.

"Why couldn't you have trusted me?" Emma retorted. "I was just trying to find a way to get us home. I could have handled her."

"Cora? Don't be so sure. I lived here Emma. I know this world and it's dangers,"

"Wait here." Mal told the duo before she left.

"Is that why you came through the portal?" Emma asked. "Because you thought I was helpless here?"

"No." Mary Margaret said.

"Portal?" I questioned.

"Yeah, a portal to travel between worlds." Mary Margaret turned to look at Emma. "I came through to be with you." Mary Margaret then looked past Emma to someone behind us. I turned to look at who was behind us. Lancelot walked out of his hut with Mal trailing behind him. "Lancelot?"

"Snow?" The dark skin man inquired. Lancelot walked swiftly up to Mary Margaret and they hugged.

"Snow?" I whispered to Emma, "As in Snow White? I thought her name was Mary Margaret?"

"Yeah, it's both, it's complicated. There was a curse and people of this world got new identities." Emma whispered back. I was in shock. I placed my hands on my mouth and took a step back. I took another step back before I hiked up my skirt and ran back to my hut.

"Hadley!" Mal called. I continued to run back to my hut and once I got in, I slammed the door. I pressed my back to the door and slid down. That was Snow White. That was my birth mother. I peeked out the window to see Mary Margaret and Emma talking with Lancelot. I then heard a knock on the door and I jumped. I opened the door slightly to see Evie standing there before closing the door.

"I'm not coming out!" I shouted.

"You need to eat now come with me, Fernando just finished cooking." Evie said. I then yelped as I was thrown over a shoulder and walked out of the hut. I screeched as I met the familiar snake of my friend.


"You need to eat." Jay said plainly. He plopped me down in a seat at the table opposite Mary Margaret. She smiled at me but I looked away and started eating come grapes. There weren't mango's...but I've learnt to take what I can get.

"What the hell is that?" Emma asked as Fernando placed a tray of meat in front of us.

"That is Chimera." Lancelot told her as he sat down, "An acquired taste, but all our hunting party could bring back. One part lion, one part serpent, one part goat."

"Like turducken?" Emma asked,

"Well it's not the most disgusting thing we've eaten." Mal muttered. I ripped a piece of it and ate it.

"What do you mean by that?" Ben asked, poking his Chimera.

"Auradon practically gave the Isle it's garbage." Mal explained. "We had to eat rotten apples for breakfast!"

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