The Coronation

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Crystal - Ok, before this starts, I'm going to do this chapter a bit different. I'm going to write what happens on the Isle as well as at the Coronation. The Coronation moments will be in Hadley's POV and the Isle moments will be in the narrator's POV.

The villains were huddled around an old tv screen. Maleficent, Cora and the Evil Queen were on the couch in front with Jafar and Cruella behind them on stools. "At last here we are, broadcasting live from the Coronation where Prince Ben will soon be crowned King! I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second courage of who's the fairest of them all." The Evil Queen threw popcorn at the tv when Snow White came on.

"'I'm Snow White'!" The Evil Queen mocked, "Who are you kidding! She's definitely had work done." Maleficent looked at her then back at the screen. Cora scowled at tv. The Snow White that Regina was out to get had much more character.

"Oh Fairy Godmother is looking radiant!" The Evil Queen put a piece of popcorn in her mouth and paused when she saw Jane, "But what is happening with Jane's hair?" Snow White laughed a bit. "And there is Fairy Godmother's wand!"

"I want that wand!" Maleficent declared.

"Do you?" Cruella said, "Haven't heard." Maleficent glared at her.

"Oh and here comes Ben now!"


I sat next to Ben in the carriage that was taking us to the cathedral. I held a small blue box that held the anti-love-potion cupcake. I glanced at my arm that had my jabberwocky mark, it stared back at me. Ben took my hand and smiled at me. I gave him a small smile in return. "Don't be nervous." He said, "All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there."

"Thank you." I said sincerely.

"Hadley, would you wear my ring?" He asked me,

"Um... Not now," I took my hand out of his, "I think it would probably fall right off me." Translation - I'm about to steal the Fairy Godmother's wand and I don't want to hurt your spell made feelings for me before I give you this anti love potion. "I have something for you." I said, holding out the box.

"For me?" He questioned, taking the box.

"Yeah, it's just for later. When you need strength, carbs to keep your energy up. You'll need it once you become King and all those duties fall on your shoulders." I explained,

"Always thinking. But I can't wait." Ben took a bite out of it. My eyes went wide.

"No!" I yelped,

"This is really good." Ben complimented,

"Do you-do you." I stuttered,


"Do you feel ok?" I asked,

"You bet."

"Would you say that you're still in lo-that you still have very strong feelings for me?"

"Not sure." Ben put the box down. "Let's just wait for the anti love potion to take effect first." He said,

"Ok..." Then what he said clicked in my brain. I turned to him "What?" Ben started to laugh, "What? You knew?" I asked him,

"That you spelled me. Yeah, yeah I knew." My eyes went wide,

"I can explain myself!" I said frantically,

"No, look, it's fine. You had a crush on me. I was with Audrey. You didn't trust it could happen on it's own. Right?" He theorised, Ok, he can't know the real reason. I'll play along with his theory.

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