Dark Hollow

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After setting up camp again, we made sure Neal was ok before starting to form a plan. Neal had informed us of how he escaped Neverland when he was a boy. "Pan's Shadow?" Emma repeated. "That's your way off the Island?"

"Unfortunately, it's the only way." Neal replied.

"Oh, we thought you learned how to navigate the stars." David commented.

"I know how to navigate the stars, but I can't fly."

"I'm guessing that's where the Shadow comes in." Mary Margaret added. Neal nodded.

"That's why we have to capture it."

"Hold on a second, capture it?" I clarified. "We haven't been able to get close to Pan at all unless he allows us. I'm a pretty good thief, but I doubt even I could sneak close enough to steal his Shadow."

"Except Pan's shadow is rarely with him." Hook stated. "It's an entity unto itself. It can carry out his will from miles away."

"What does that mean for us?" David asked.

"It means we can get his Shadow without having to be anywhere near Pan." Neal reported. "As long as we know where to look. And I know where to look."

"Ok, you and I are on Shadow duty." Emma stated as she and Neal stood.

"As am I." Hook added. "This trek won't be easy. You could use another veteran of the Island."

"Thanks, man." Neal said.

"In the meantime, we'll give Tinkerbell a heads up." David confirmed. "See if she can make good on her promise to get us into Pan's camp."

"Ok, we meet back at Tink's." Emma stated. "Then we get Henry, and get the hell back to Storybrooke." I walked forward, gently touching Emma on the hand to lead her away from the group. "What is it?" She asked.

"I just wanted you to remember what I said about Magic." I said to her. "For each spell, you have to bring forth a different emotion to be able to cast it."

"Like fire being passion?" I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I also wanted to give you a quick rundown on some other useful ones. Light comes from hope, and ice from despair. Well, for me anyway. You have to find your own reason for Magic."

"Thanks Hads." Emma said softly. "I wish we could develop our Magic together."

"Me too Em." I replied. "But...if you need help with Magic, maybe ask Emma, or even Fairy Godmother if you ever make it to Auradon."

"Sure." Emma and I shared a tight hug before I gathered my things. I could tell Mary Margaret was mad at both David and I, and I wouldn't blame her. I lied to her face and now I'm stuck here. I was seated next to the fire, checking over my belongings. Curse-Prevention necklace, check. Ben's ring, check. Magic, in working order. And cutlass. I stared at my reflection in the blade, running my thumb down the flat surface of the blade. I gripped it tight, promising that no matter what, I would save Henry.

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