The Evil Queen

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I sat on the docks with Mary Margaret and David in the dead of night for a little privacy. We were discussing the situation regarding Regina. We were all huddled together under a blanket, me in between the two. "If we're going back to the Enchanted Forest, are we really going to leave Regina behind?" Mary Margaret wondered.

"She's too dangerous to bring with us." David said. "We have to leave her."

"We can't leave her." I insisted, looking up at him. "She's my sister." I could feel that Mary Margaret was going to protest, so I looked over at her. "Don't start. We're working through this so you have to hear my side of things. I was raised by Cora, she was the only parental figure I had for then years in my kingdom, so if Regina is her daughter she's my sister..." I then blinked. "Wow, I'm both Henry's adopted aunt...and biological aunt, wow, that's something. Anyways, I was even named after Regina. I can't in my right mind leave someone who's in the same boat as me, hell, my friends wouldn't either."

"Henry wouldn't like it either." Mary Margaret added. "She is his Mother, despite all the horrors."

"Mary Margaret..." David sighed. "Those horror's will continue. You wanna give her another chance? Because every time we do she-"

"She slips, I know." Mary Margaret interrupted. "What do we do?"

"We bring her with us." I reminded them. "Give her a chance. She doesn't have to live in the Enchanted Forest, she can come live with me in Auradon. Ben can for sure make room in the Castle for her."

"Instead of a chance, we give her a choice." David stated, ignoring my slacked jaw. I didn't think he'd ignore my statement. "Come back, live out her days in Rumple's cell, or stay here."

"You're not even gonna consider anything else?" I demanded. "I thought you were supposed to be better." I then stood, knocking the blanket off me.

"Hadley-" Mary Margaret tried, however, with a wave of my hands, I disappeared, only to re-appear in my room in the loft. I sighed, pushing my hair back. They were gonna need a bit more convincing.

I made idle chat with Emma as we entered Granny's diner

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I made idle chat with Emma as we entered Granny's diner. I didn't realise where I was walking and accidentally bumped into Tamara. "Oh!" I gasped, jumping back. "Oh, I am so sorry!" I apologised. I quickly knelt down to help pick up all her things. Emma joined us on the floor to help pick up the items.

"He, uh, still hates mayo, huh?" Emma questioned, referring to Neal. I then picked up a note, it had a lot of names on it, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Mr God, even Archie and Mother Superior were on the list. Next to their names, were their Enchanted Forest counterparts. My eyebrows frowned at the names down the bottom of the list.


Mal - Daughter of Maleficent

Evie - Daughter of the Evil Queen

Jay - Son of Jafar

Carlos - Son of Cruella

Ben - Son of Beast and Belle

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