The Plan

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—-Essie's POV—-
It's the next morning. I have already had my breakfast and played by myself for a bit in the playroom. Exploring everything in there as usual. Then Simon comes over for my turn to play with him and we play a superhero game where we are power rangers defeating the monsters and stopping them from destroying the city. I let Simon make the storyline as I aimlessly tagged along with the running actions and sounds lol. I found the whole madness to it fun.

When I was having my lunch Clara told me I will be going to a meeting this afternoon to tell the big people if I really want Daniel to be my new daddy or not. I ask using my ipad if I will see Daniel there and she says he should be there. I get really excited. So excited I needed reminding to eat my food lol.

When I had finnished everything Marcus carried to me a big office room that had a table that went on for miles and tons of chairs. There were some titans in suits already sat by the table and I make my happy sounds and clap when I see Daniel!
I am placed onto the table and I quickly crawl to Daniel whilst still making my happy sounds. He gives me a big hug (in his lap). "Hello little one! I have missed you!"  I take notice of Clara and Marcus putting some toys on the table behind me. Daniel puts me back up on the table and I crawl before sitting to explore the toys. Some more office looking titans came. Some of which looked scary to me. I stick clost by Daniel as the door is closed and I assume the meeting begins. I don't understand most of what is said partially because of how distracted I am from the toys but always because they are all talking in big grown up language.
At one point one of the scary titans looks at me and ask me some questions "Essie, would you like Daniel to be your new daddy?" I nod my head enthusiastically and say the best I can "I wan...........D.....D!" I can't say it poop. I just say a big "YEAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Instead. The scary titan nods his head and writes on some paper before asking (with Clara using makaton beside him) "Do you want the progress of your visits with Daniel to be over a couple of weeks or a couple of months?"
I didn't understand as he was speaking in grown up language. Daniel calls my name and I look at him as he asks "Essie would you like a short, or long time to come home with me?" I sign the word short in reposnse.

For the rest of the meeting I was clueless about and was left to play with my toys

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For the rest of the meeting I was clueless about and was left to play with my toys. Sometimes I crawled up to Daniel whilst he was talking and clambered onto him for another cuddle which he freely gave to me each time.

After the meeting Clara and Marcus took me to my room and told me my routine is going to change a bit as I am going to have Daniel visit me on certain days. Next week he will visit me one day during the weekend and the next week for both days on the weekend and that as the weeks go on the more days he will visit me for a morning during class time too. "And then after those 7 weeks have gone you will have one week where it's just you and Daniel before you get to go to your new home with him."
This is a lot of new information but I get the jist of it. I am just so happy that I am going to see Daniel more and more until I get to go to my new home! I jump up and down excitedly and run around my room a bit before I am taken to dinner and then its bath and bedtime routine after that.

It is now late a night. Lights had gone out ages ago but I still can't sleep as I am too excited. Clara and Marcus take turns to come in the room to tell me to calm down a dn try to settle me which only last momentarily until I get myself up and bouncing around in my bed again. Eventually I knacker myself out and sleep like a rock.

—-The next morning Essie's POV—-

I am EXHAUSTED!!!!!! Today is not going to go well for me at school I just know it. Good luck Clara and Marcus as you are gonna have to deal with a sleepy and grumpy cow little today. Prepare to have your hands full!

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