Spin the Bottle

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After the quidditch game, Slytherin decided to have a little "party" I guess you could say. They invited everyone, even Gryffindors.

Everyone said "No" because they didn't want to stay up late.

The only people that I know of that are going is, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Luna, Cho, Neville, Dean, Seamus, and of course the Slytherin team.

"You exited?" I said "yes!" Hermione said "why would you be excited, it's like your going into hell in the Slytherin room" Ron said, we all laughed. "I'll be, if Malfoy doesn't bother Me" Harry said.

Marcus Flint(just pretend he's still at hogwarts)was in the front of the Slytherin door, he then let us in.

Wow, the Slytherin room is BIG. Everyone soon started to come in one by one. I then saw Malfoy come in. "What are these people doing here?" He said annoyed, I turned around. "Y/n!" He said coming toward me. "Hi" I laughed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked "Flint invited us to his little party" I said. "Alright! Who wants to play a game of spin the bottle" Marcus said.

"What's spin the bottle?" Seamus asked "muggles play it" he said "the person who spins the bottle has to kiss the person it lands on" he said playing with the bottle that was in his hands. "So, who's playing?" He said again. "I'll play" me and Draco said at the same time.

"I'll play"

"I guess"


"Bloody hell, I guess so"

"I'm playing!"

"Sure, ill play"

"Ill play"

"Who's going to get kissed tonight?!"


I laughed at what Seamus said. We all sat on the floor in a circle. "Who wants to go first?" Flint asked "I'll go" Seamus said "now, there's only four girls so you better get lucky" he said.

Seamus sounds the bottle, and got Ron. "I'm not doing that" Ron said "rules are rules" Flint said, Seamus and Ron did a little peck on the lips, then soon wiped their lips after. "Ron your turn" Seamus said, he spun the bottle and got Hermione. I laughed so hard when I saw it landed of Hermione.

Everyone looked at me like I was going mad, "sorry" I said still laughing, then soon stopped. Hermione and Ron kissed for like a second. They didn't wipe their lips or nothing, they just stood there.

"Hermione you go" I said still laughing a little bit. When she spun the bottle she closed eyes, and crossed her fingers hoping for someone good. "Ron again!" I laughed, they kissed again. And again just stood there awkwardly.

"Ron your turn" Harry said "Cho" I laughed, I love this muggle game. "Sorry Harry" Ron said before he kissed her.

"Alright Cho your turn" Dean said, she landed on Luna. They pecked each other on the lips. "Keep on going" Neville said, Luna spun and landed on Neville "awww" I said putting my hand in my heart. Am I the only one who knows who likes who?

They kissed for like, a good three seconds. "Neville, your turn" Harry said, as he spun the bottle, I watched Neville's face. "Y/n" Hermione said "what?" I said, I looked at the bottle "I'm not kissing my cousin!" I said.

"Fine then kiss him on the cheek" Flint said, I then kissed Neville in the cheek "I guess it's my turn" I said spinning the bottle.

It landed to the person next to me, Malfoy. We kissed for like ten seconds, I smiled after we pulled away, "your turn Malfoy" I said putting my arm through his. When he spun it, it landed in Harry. I laughed so hard is started crying and my stomach started hurting. "You have to kiss him now" I said laughing. Draco gave a dirty look to Harry. And they slowly and slowly leaned in a they kissed for like half a second.

"Harry you go" I said still laughing, Harry spun and got Cho "I love this game so much" I said laughing. They kissed, Then Cho went.

She got Dean. Her and Dean kissed for a second, then dean went he got Flint. Flint shrugged his shoulders and pecked Dean. "Alright after me, the game is over" he said, he spun. He got me. We kissed for like two seconds.


After a while justa hanging out everyone soon left.

I should okay spin the bottle more often.

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