Christmas with the Weasly's

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Of course you could I wouldn't be at home at all during Christmas and you couldn't spend it by yourself. Just make sure your safe and no boys!

    Your Father

Once I got the letter I went straight to Hermione and Ron. But I had to look for them first. I started going to class again because I got bored just sitting in my bed all day.

I passed by Cho and Harry. I found Hermione and Ron having a snowball fight with Dean and Seamus.

"Hermione good news I could spend Christmas with you guys" I said with a smile "that's great!" Hermione said.


I packed my things because it was time to go to the Weasly's!

"You ready?" Ron asked "all set" I said patting my bag. Me, Ron, and Hermione went to go sit at a booth. "Wait isn't Harry gunna sit here?@ I asked "yeah why?" Hermione said "I'm gunna go sit somewhere else" I said getting up.

"Alright then" Ron said.

Where am I going to sit? I'm not talking to cho nor Harry-The twins.

"Hey you mind? Everywhere else is full" I said lying "sure" the twins said "where are you going to spend Christmas?" Fred asked "Were going to spend it at the order of the Phoenix" George said "Dumbledore made it years ago" Fred said "I'm actually spending it with you guys" I said "really!" They said.

"Yeah, Ron invited me" I said "you'll have fun with us, Hermione, Ron, Harry" George said, I forgot about Harry. There's no going back now.

Me and the twins jetting talking mostly me laughing at all their jokes, and when they fought.

But it was now time to get off the train.


We soon got to the "order of the Phoenix" well at least that's what the twins called it. "Oh you must be Y/n" Ron's mother said "nice to meet you" I said shacking her hand.

Hermione soon lead me to the room we were going to share.

I out my stuff by the bed I was sleeping in. "This is going to be awkward" I said "why is that?" Hermione questioned "in 3rd year I started to like Harry and Draco-" I got interrupted "wait Draco? Like Draco Malfoy?!" She said "yeah" I chuckled.

"Well I liked them both 3rd year, and this year I thought I could tell Harry I liked him but I caught him and Cho kissing" I said "do you still like Harry?" She asked "no I'm totally over him" I said.

Little did I know Harry was listening the whole time. Shocked by every word that came out of my mouth.


"Wake up!" The twins yelled, pulling the blankets off our cold bodies, I woke up and rubbed my eyes.

Me and Hermione both got ready and got dressed, we then went downstairs and saw everybody sitting down. Me and Harry locked eyes and gave each other a small smile. "Here go you" Mrs. Weasly said giving everyone their gifts.

"I didn't forget about you" she said giving me a small box, I opened it and it was a charm bracelet. It had hogwarts, an owl, a bird, and a letter charms on it. "It's beautiful, thank you" I said "oh no problem" she said.

I think this is the best Christmas I had since my mother died.

My Dearest Draco//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now