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Staring out the window, thinking to myself how did I allow my life to be like this. What did I do to deserve not being loved. I have all this stuff going on and my daughter is witnessing it all. Tears began to stream down my face. I truly don't know what to do with my life. I've been out of school for over a month, graduation is coming up. I don't even know if I want to do this anymore. I don't know where Tony is lurking in the shadows and I can't live like that either. I wish they would of just let me die. Why do I need to be here facing all this pain? 

Then there is Naim. We've been through all this and he is still here. I don't know if that is a sign or because of our history. How could this be my life right now? 

"Mommy why are you crying?" A concerned Kenya asked me. 

Wiping my eyes and giving Kenya a small smile. "Baby Mommy is okay. I'm just a bit tired." I said. 

She gave me a half smile and went back to doing her. I looked up and was caught by Naim's glare through the rearview mirror. Quickly looking down, I began to play with my fingers. Lord, why do this man have to be so fine and intoxicating? 

Not realizing that we came to stop, I looked out the window in awe. All I could think is Momma Rick has a bomb ass house. I would love to stay here I just don't know if I'm welcomed. Kenya looked like she loves being here because Baby girl jumped out the car and proceeded to the front door. 

Taking my time to get out the car, grabbing my bag. I just wanted to lay down. I had so much to figure out and I don't want to be bothering others. 

Walking  up to the door, I took a deep breath. Opening the door "SURPRISE!!!" Looking around the room, I just dropped down to the floor crying. Here I go talking about love and there are people here who clearly love me. Stormi and Maliyah ran up to me and wrapped there arms around me. 

"Sis, we know you dealing with alot. Trust we wasn't allowing you to go through the shit alone. This is your new house courtesy of Naim Ricks. Kenya has been well taking care of and you are finally out the hospital. Imani enjoy the ones rocking with you and wipe those tears." Maliyah said. 

I was stuck on the whole "This your new house" that I just sat there. They tried to get me up but I just kept crying. I couldn't accept this house. I couldn't live here with just me and Kenya. It's too big and I don't deserve this from this man. I haven't treated him right. 

As I sat there, I felt strong arms picking me up and I just broke down crying again. Walking out of the common area I assumed. 

"Sweets, why you doing all this crying whats wrong?" Naim asked as we came to a stop at some double doors in the hallway. I assume this is the master bedroom. 

"Ny, why? Why me?" once again I broke down crying. 

"Why you want Imani? Talking to me." 

"I don't deserve this or love. You keep being here for me and I wasn't so nice to you. I then keep putting myself in bad situations and you rescuing me. Like why me Naim?"

"Don't let me ever hear you say you don't deserve love. Imani, your an amazing person despite all the odds that were thrown your way. You love everyone with all of you, willing to give the your all, you see the good until you cant anymore. So, yes you do deserve love and happiness. It's up to you to grab a hold and get it. I wasn't about to let you go back to that apartment after what you and Kenya been through. Plus baby girl wasn't playing about staying with Momma if that apartment was still in the picture. I purchased a house so she can always have a safe haven. You don't have to worry about rushing to work, your focus needs to be school and you need to get everything the girls got you done so you can finish up on time. It's up to you what you want to do. As far as us. I'm willing to be your friend and we move forward that way. I know we've had alot of mixed communication before, so I will like to know where we stand before I act." 

Naim was talking and all I could think about is God is so funny. I told myself that I wasn't ever going to be around Naim Ricks again and here we are. Before I knew it I leaned up and kissed him. I mean tongue and all. I was kissing like my life depended on it. There was an electric shock that ran through my body, yet again tears formed in my eyes and I knew then I needed this man. 

"Imani, we should go downstairs you have people waiting on you. We can't do this now." 

Looking at Naim like he was crazy. I jumped down out his grips and dropped to my knees. This nigga gone get the business and right now. I'm not about to play with him and his fuck shit. Undoing Naim's pants, I took him in whole. See, when it came to Naim I knew how to make him cum just off head alone. 

I began to form spit in my mouth. Every time I went down on his head, I blew bubbles and took him all the way in my mouth. Pulling him out blowing on the tip and kissing it. I do it all over again. Sucking like I was trying to get to the center of the toosie roll. Grabbing his balls and massaging them as the spit from my mouth wet them up. Opening my eyes, while humming on his dick. I looked Naim directly in his eyes. Next thing you know warm cum shoots down my throat. Damn this man taste so damn good. Kissing the tip again. I got up and walk to what I felt was the bathroom. 

Cleaning myself up. I grabed a piece of paper out of my purse and wrote: 

Will you be my boyfriend 





I love this man and I know that he loves me. I also know that I've overacted before and almost lost my everything. I don't want to keep going through life like this. 

Walking back in the room, I finally got a chance to take it all in. Damn this man knows me. I walked up to Naim and handed him the paper. He looked at me and then I looked at him. 

"Can I get a pen?" Naim said. 

Passing him the pen. I'm sitting there nervous. I don't know what to think but I hope that he is willing to date me. Naim handed me the paper back and Lord I almost passed out. The man said no, he looked at me, kissed me on my forehead and walked out the room. 

"What the fuck?" I said to myself. I thought this is what he wanted I guess not. To embarrassed to go out there. I got in the bed and cried myself to sleep. I couldn't take anymore. 


Chapter 33 (1261 words) 

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