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I don't know what the hell is wrong with Maliyah. She been here with me and shorty really think I don't love her. Trust is everything to me and I don't know if she will run out on me again. I guess I'm keeping her at a distance for a reason. But damn nobody told shorty to leave the house without giving me a kiss goodbye or something. Fuck wrong with her. See this my issues right here. 

Plus I've been talking to Cash, well shorty name is Jamie and I may want to see where that goes. I don't want to just jump right back into a relationship with Maliyah. Plus Jamie cool ass hell. I'm not on no love shit with shorty, I just like the fact that I can talk to her. She down to earth and that shit is a turn on. 

Headed to Maliyah's job to see what the fuck her problem is. I know this shit with Imani is a lot to put on a person, but shorty not about to be acting like I did something to her. I've been good to shorty, I'm just asking for time. 

"Hi, Mr. Rick, she is on air right now but you can go up." the receptionist said. 

I'm going to have to talk to Kevin about this damn receptionist. There is no way she should just let folks through. I don't care who I am. I could be here to kill shorty. Not good. 

Watching Maliyah in her glow had my dick bricking up. I'm still in awe that shorty got out here and made shit happen for her. She got on her shit and made things happen for her dreams. All the girls did and I'm proud of them. It's something about a woman that can get out here and get it out the mud, that don't give up on the shit their doing. 

The on air sign finally went off and I walked into the studio. 

"Maliyah why you didn't tell me you was leaving?" I asked her. 

"You knew I had to get to work, so I didn't see any reason to tell you that." she shrugged her shoulders like the shit wasn't a big deal. 

"Look ma, I don't know what you got going on, did you forget that we still searching for Tony. So, its beyond me why you didn't say shit. And let call you bluff, that's why you didn't say shit. What's up?" 

"Look Armani, I don't need you to save or protect me. My gun knows how to bust just like anyone else. Plus, I'm going home today. There is no reason for me to be sitting in your crib on some woulda, coulda, shoulda type shit. I don't want that in my life and currently you don't want me in yours. It's time for me to move on and let you be great. I love you always but I wont be back to your crib. I have to get back on air. But thanks for stopping by." Maliyah placed the headphones on her ears and pressed the on air button. 

Standing there in ready to fuck up Kev's studio, cuz I don't know who shorty is or who she thought she was playing with. But I just walked off. Moving on isn't a fucking option. If she aint fucked shit this long. She might as well keep that shit tight, because every nigga that comes her way will get his ass murked. Fuck wrong with her. 

Headed to Ma house because at this point I'm ready to go on a killing spree just thinking about shorty fucking someone else. 

"Ma, where you at?" yelling through the house. I swear we got this shit bad. 

"Boy if you don't shut the fuck up. ChinaDoll in her room sleep. And babygirl isn't having a good day. What the fuck you want Armani?" Looking at Ma crazy because she acting like a nigga is bothering her. 

"Ma, Maliyah moving back into her crib and she talking about moving on. Why do she think it's safe to fucking play with me?" 

"Son, is you fucking dumb? You out here fucking with the stripper bitch and you mad my baby about to move on? Nigga you dishing shit out you can't take. Should of forgave and moved on. You the only one out of your brothers holding on to the past. Clearly, Maliyah was out here making a career for herself. She haven't been tampered with and yo ass out here moving on to the next bitch. But you can't trust the one that you had history with. She didn't leave you because she was pregnant, fucking another nigga, or because she stole from you. Maliyah left to support her friends decision, which isn't all that good. At least she saved herself. What the hell do you want from her son?" Ma, walked into the kitchen. 

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