Chapter 9

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Jenna's POV

"Where the hell did they get all of these girl clothes??" I shouted to Reyna in the bathroom who just shrugged and continued brushing her teeth. 

"ARI!" Liam's voice shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Soon after there were five sets of feet flying up the stairs and bursting through Louis' bedroom door. 

"Yes?" Carmen said, stepping out of the bathroom in a pair of Niall's boxers and her bra. Niall's jaw dropped and he turned instantly red. 

"Ermmmmm, you guys didn't use our money for the dresses!" He shouted, trying to peel his eyes away from Carmen. 

"Jenna, love. We're the rich ones, don't use your own money for anything!" Louis insisted, whipping out his wallet and throwing four one hundred dollar bills onto her bag. 

"You take that money back! You worked hard for that money and we're not spending it on dresses!" I shouted back, grabbing the money and walking up to him. 

"Jenna, please." He whined, putting on a pouting face. 

"Nope." I insisted again, taking the money and putting it in his front pocket. 

"It's Christmas soon anyway, the money probably would've just went towards you're Christmas present." I said smugly, earning agreeing nods from Carmen and Ari. 

"Ari, you promised me you'd use my card, babe." Liam said with a sad sigh. 

"I know, but we felt bad." She said with a shrug. 

"You know, i don't think i've ever met girls who wouldn't like to go on a huge shopping spree." Zayn said from the corner of the room. 

"Reyna, please use our money next time." Harry pleaded from behind Louis. 

"Louis, i've read the stories. I'm not going to be like her." I said firmly, causing everyone's gaze to focus on Louis. 

"What stories." He said slowly, trying desperately to hide the fact that it was true. 

"How she used to take your card and spend your money when she was mad at you." I said, grabbing his hand. He looked away at the floor and Zayn shuffled his feet awkwardly. Niall took in a deep breathe before stepping foward and placing his hand on Louis' shoulder. 

"She has a point, Lou. We can't force them to." He said quietly, earning a nod from Louis.

"I know." He replied, his voice hitching. I stepped foward and wrapped my arms around his neck, earning a sigh from him. We stood like that for a few minutes before finally stepping away. He looked me in the eye, and i could tell that he wanted more time to talk about this with just the two of us. I nodded to show i understood and he smiled, grabbing my hand. I leaned foward and pressed a gently kiss to his lips which earned a cough from Harry. He smirked into the kiss and i broke away laughing. 

"Well, did you guys decide on what you're going to wear today?" Zayn spoke up from the corner, finally breaking the tension.

"Kind of, but where in the world did you get so many outfits?" Ari wondered, opening the closet to reveal a whole seperate section for girl's clothing. 

"Gemma and Lottie are coming down to visit next weekend so they sent us a huge suitcase of clothing to keep here." Harry replied, shuffling over to Reyna and placing a hand on her waist. 

"Oh." I stated simply, earning a nervous look from Reyna. 

"Oh relax, they don't bite." Louis said, finally returning back to his playful vibe. 

Reyna's POV

I gulped at the thought of having to meet Gemma. Harry gave my waist a reassuring squeeze, but i was still nervous, and judging by the face Jenna was making she was too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2013 ⏰

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