Chapter 4

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Ari's POV 

I stuttered and choked on my drink as Zayn explained the situation. My 3 best friends had finally come to visit me, i held hands with Liam Payne, and i met One Direction. Excuse me as i go drown in puddles of feels. 

"Sooo you guys just casually played naked Truth or Dare with random fans." I said slowly, still trying to take all of the information in. 

"Babe, when we don't have security with us, we can do whatever we want with fans." Liam said, smiling at my happily. 

"But, like just random people?" I asked again, still confused. 

"Yes, random fans." Louis said laughing. 

"Wow." I stated simply, sitting back in my chair and sipping my smoothie. 

"Yea we know." Jenna said giggling. Louis shifted in his seat to look at her, which confused me a little. 

"Why do you guys act like you've known us for years though?" I asked, nodding to Louis. 

"Well, we know how dedicated you guys are. Jenna told us about how you guys met through the fandom, and how much you look up to us, so honestly it's the least we can do for you guys." Louis stated, giving me a smile. I shifted in my seat. 

"She told you everything?" I asked, my voice raising in panic. 

"Ari, we didn't tell them anything personal like that.." Carmen cut in quickly, causing Niall and Liam to shift in their seats and exchange worried glances. 

"Anything personal like what?" Harry whispered, looking up at me. 

Reyna's POV 

I quickly squeezed Harry's leg, hoping he would get the message. 

"Nevermind, it's none of my business." He added quickly, tapping my shoulder to show he understood. 

"It's okay. I understand being curious." Ari said quietly, looking over at Jenna. 

"Ari, how was your day?" Niall asked, quickly changing the subject, which earned him a warm smile from Ari. 

"It's been the best day of my life. I finally met the people who complete me." She whispered, smiling at all of us. 

"I would hope that means us." Louis muttered, causing Jenna to pinch his side. 

"No, it's obviously us. What makes you so special?" She asked, causing him to pout. She smirked and turned to Ari, shooting her a wink. 

"Fine. I was even gonna ask if you all wanted to go out for dinner later, but i guess not." Louis said, pretending to be extremely upset. 

"Pleaseeeee can we come Niall?" Carmen whined, poking Niall's cheek. 

"I don't see why not." Liam said with a smile, turning to steal a look from Ari. 

Jenna's POV 

Louis kept slowly rubbing my thigh, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Ari, can we go to your place and wash up first?" I asked, winking at her. 

"Good, you smell." Louis said, making a face at me. Reyna giggled loudly which made Harry's face break into a grin. 

"Shut up!" i said, moving over and sitting near Zayn instead. He pouted, which made me smirk. 

"What's the matter, love? A little cold over there by yourself?" I cooed, earning a giggle from Ari and a chuckle from Zayn. 

"NOPE." He said sternly, moving over and cuddling against Harry. Harry instantly wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulder and stuck his tongue out at me. 

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