Chapter 1

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Jenna's POV 

I was running with my two bestfriends Reyna and Carmen towards the terminal. 

"Do you think we'll make it?!" I could hear Carmen shout over the crowd. The terminal was packed for absolutely no reason and we had about 2 minutes until our flight took off. 

"We better fucking make it. I've waited about 6 years to meet her." I mumbled, weaving in between an old couple. I could hear the final boarding call as i rounded the corner and ran smack into the desk.

"Flight 209?" The old women asked warily, obviously stunned by my sudden outburst. 

"Yes! Yes! Oh my lord yes." I panted out. Reyna and Carmen turned the corner and ran straight into me, resulting in us toppling over the desk and onto the woman's paperwork. 

"Erm, sorry." i mummbled, shuffling up awkwardly. 

"It's alright dear, now are you aware that your flight leaved in a minute?" She asked, taking her dandy sweet time to clip our tickets. 

"Yes, so can you please maybe speed it up a little?" I muttered angirly, causing a security guard to look up at me warily. 

"Here you go dear, right through that hallway please." She said with a wary smile. I grabbed out tickets and basically shoved Reyna and Carmen into the hallway. 

"Sheesh. Jenna relax, we have plenty of time." Reyna chuckled, making me smile weakly. 

"Sorry, i just really want to see her." I muttered, looking at my feet.

"Well cmon! The plane isn't going to wait for us!" Carmen announced, pushing us both through the doors and into the first class seats that my grandma had been so kind to purchase for us. 

"Ladies, if you'll please take a seat in row J. The flight will be leaving in about 10 minutes." a flight attendant called to us, shooting us a fake smile. We all shuffled into a row, that thankfully seated three, and grabbed our ipods.

@BigBumLouisT: @1Dsexydudes We're leaving now babe! Can't wait to see you :) xx

@1Dsexydudes: @BigBumLouisT Omg yay babe! Let me know when you land :) xx Love you! 

@BigBumLouisT: 1Dsexydudes Of course! And we love you more :* xx

I shoved my ipod back in my jacket pocket and looked around the plane. It was mostly elderly couples, in fact, they were all elderly couples. 

"Jenna, are you excited?" Reyna whispered, poking me in the arm. We had all waited 6 years to fly out to Paris and meet Ari, and now it was finally happening.

"Of course." I chuckled, shooting her a huge grin. 

"Excuse me?" A voice said from behind me. I jumped and turned around, only to be met by the blonde flight attendant. 

"Yes?" I asked warily. 

"We have a few VIP guests, and we were wondering if it was okay for them to sit behing you ladies." She asked giving us all smiles. 

"Of course." I smiled back, excited by the idea of celebrities sitting behing us. 

"Boys! Over here please." She shouted, causing my heart to flutter. Did she just say boys? I knew the boys were flying to Paris but it wasn't possible. I shook the idea out of my head and burried my face in my backpack, looking for my blanket. 

"Thanks for letting us sit behing you, ladies." A soft yet gruff accent said. I knew that voice like the back of my hand. I knew the face that belonged to that voice, and i was absolutely terrified. 

"No problem." I muttered, turning a ridiculous shade of red and looking up at Carmen, who was all looking rather pink. 

"So, what's your names? Might as well be friendly with each other since we have to spend the next 4 hours together." A lower accent said. I knew that voice just as well. Oh my lord i was losing it. Cmon Jenna think.. your name... you can say your own name without fucking it up right? Right? Oh god, okay...1....2....3.

"Myname'sJenna." I stuttered quickly, getting redder as the fangirl in my voice was starting to show. I heard a low chuckle and suddenly a warm large hand was touching my shoulder. 

"You know my name, don't you love." I heard the deeper voice say. I could almost hear the amusement in his voice. I slowly nodded and raised my head to be met by none other than Harry Styles. 

Carmen's POV

Oh my god. Harry Styles was touching Jenna. Harry. fucking. Styles. Was. Touching. Jenna. Oh my lord she's going to make it so awkward for us. I have to act natural. Oh my lord here comes Niall. So much for Normal. 

"My name's Carmen." I practically whispered, shooting Harry a small smile. 

"Mine's Reyna." I could hear Reyna whisper. Poor girl. Harry was her absolute favorite, and she probably felt like passing out. 

"I like the name Reyna, it's beautiful." Harry answered with a smile, causing Reyna to turn an unhealthy shade of pink. 

Reyna's POV


"Thanks." i managed to choke out. 

"So, you ladies want an autograph or something? Since you're obviously huge fans." chuckled Louis, causing Jenna's breath to hitch. 

"uhm sure." i managed to choke out, looking in my bag for my notebook. 

"Whoa whoa, we have plenty of time for those later. Let's not be complete celebrities for a little while and talk to the girls, whattaya say boys?" i could hear Liam saying from down the hall. He slowly walked up to us, shooting us all smiles. 

"Hi, my name's Liam" He said happily. I basically melted. 

"We know who you are." I muttered, causing Harry to chuckle. I looked up and immediately wish i hadn't. Harry was gazing at my with a calm, yet very seductive expression. 

"Well, shall we sit down?" Niall asked, causing me to jump. 

"Boys, the attendants said we can have the room upstairs!" Zayn shouted, running down the hall. 

"Okay! How many does it hold?" Louis asked, shooting Jenna a smile, causing her to turn a extremely bright shade of red. 

"Enough for these lovely ladies to join us if they want." Zayn replied, shooting us smiles. 

"Good! Would you ladies like to join us?" Harry asked politely, shooting me a smirk. We all nodded, obviously, and went to grab our luggage. 

"No, let us. I insist." Louis said, rushing foward to grab Jenna's bag from her. 

"Thanks." She breathed, not being able to handle being that close to her idol. 

"No problem, beautiful." He replied, shooting her wink. Oh how lucky is she. 

"Reyna, you coming babe?" Harry asked, breaking my view from Jenna and Louis. He was standing extremely close and i could smell his cologne. Oh my lord he smelled good. 

"Of course." I breathed, shooting him a grin. He returned it and offered me his arm. I happily linked mine with his, and followed him to the stairs. 

"Hey Niall, how about you help Carmen with her bags?" Liam shouted over his shoulder, causing Carmen to choke on her water. 

"I would love to." He replied, turning towards her and shooting her a wink. She looked over at me and gave me the "Ohmylord Niall Horan just winked at my. Save me. I'm dying" look, and then let him carry her bags. 

"This should be an interesting flight." I muttered, causing Louis to look over at me and nod, signalling he had a plan. Oh my lord Ari was going to be so jealous. 

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