Part One- common room

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Chapter one

december 11 2020 12:30am

     When Annie awoke she felt the cold poke at her skin. She pulled the blanket closer to her to create warmth when she noticed she wasn't in her bed. She looked around the room and saw green. She then looked at the nearest clock and the time read 5:30am.

    The Slytherin common room was filled with green luxury. The Slytherin common room could only be described with two words; green and cold. Since it was located in the dungeons it wasn't the warmest place.

     Annie took the book that she fell asleep reading the night prior and shut it. She quietly took off the blanket and stood to walk out as she spotted someone laying on the dark brown leather couch.

     Theo. Theodore Nott was one of Annie's best friends. To all of Annie's friends she was an emotionless girl that was proper and polite. But Theo thought differently, he saw the mischievous, ambitious, and yet pure girl he called Rori. When he found out her middle name was Aurora he dubbed her Rori, thinking it was a better way of representing her. So instead of seeing the Annie everyone else saw, he saw his Rori, the girl he knew.

     Annie walked over to Theo and looked at him for a while. His defined jawline, green hazel eyes she could stare into for days covered by his shut eyelids, and his curly brown locks. She decided to put the blanket gently over him and strode back up to her dorm to get ready for the day.

     When Annie had gone Theo opened his eyes. He had been awake that entire time. He couldn't sleep that entire night. Theo had been a touch and go sleeper. Some nights he had magnificent sleep and others would be filled with night terrors. The blanket that she had laid on him was the same blanket he placed on her when he found her asleep on the windowsill. She sat on the windowsill all the time. It was her spot, all of her friends knew when she was sitting there not to speak a word to her. She would usually sit there fully engulfed by a book or writing something in her journal. One time Draco thought it would be funny to open it and read it. To their disappointment it was on french, all Theo could think about was that she had beautiful handwriting, not the fact that he could speak and read fluent french.

     The scent of the blanket smelled just of Rori, roses with a hint of vanilla. Theo curled up in the blanket and fell asleep to the comforting scent of her. Something about Rori seemed to calm him, make him feel at ease. His eyes slowly closed and he drifted to sleep. Little did he know these feelings meant much more than just a friendship.


-Annie's pov-

     When I got up to my dorm I saw that Astoria and Pansy were still asleep and I didn't want to wake them. I quietly grabbed my clothes for the day, put a silencing spell on the bathroom door and took a shower. Since I had extra time on my hands I took an extra long shower, letting the warm water hit my skin.

      After I hopped out of the shower, I put on my clothes, used some perfume, and dried my hair. After my hair was dry I used magic to straighten it before pulling it up into a high ponytail and wrapped a green ribbon to hold it in place. Today for my outfit, I had chosen my plaid skirt with a white button up and my tie loosely around my neck and a blazer over top. I also put on my usual jewelry; a snake ring that had an emerald jewel, and my grandmother's wedding ring that she had left for me, upon the time it was her turn to leave this world. Lastly I put on my necklace that had the centerpiece of one pearl.

      I put on my makeup which was some blush and mascara. I put on my shoes and quietly walked out of the bathroom. It was now 6:00am and my friends were still asleep. Deciding that I would not wake them  I walked quietly out the door.

-Theodore's pov-

      I awoke to what felt like a minute, no a second of sleeping. I was awakened by the sound of someone's light footsteps coming down the stairs. I opened my eyes slightly and looked at the clock. It stated 6:00am. Who would be awake this early?

         Rori. She was always an early bird. I could  always count on her being the first one awake in the mornings. I saw her walk down the stairs. Man was she graceful. She glided down the stairs and over to the windowsill that she had been asleep on just 30 minutes ago.

        She picked up her book and then turned to my direction. I quickly closed my eyes so that she wouldn't know that I was watching her. I heard her footsteps become closer and closer to me. Then her scent made its way into my nose smelling it like it was the one thing that was keeping me alive.

        Then I felt her become close to me and I could feel her soft lips kiss my forehead. After moments she walked away and I heard her leave the common room. I opened my eyes once again.

       I realized that she would be heading to breakfast. She would be all alone. I couldn't let her eat alone, I thought to myself. I quickly hopped up and made my way quickly to my dorm and got into the shower. After finishing in the shower I got ready as fast as I could, not even worrying if I would wake up my roommates Draco and Blaise.

      I hurried down the stairs into the common room. I checked my watch and it stated 6:15am. My watch had been given to me from my father. It was silver with a green interior. It had been passed down for ages on every boy's 15th birthday. My birthday was last month. I quickly walked through the halls and made my way to the great hall. When I entered the only one there was Rori. She sat alone at the Slytherin table reading her book deeply. After a moment of standing in the doorway she then looked up and our eyes met. Her blue eyes looked deeply into mine and seemed to be lost in thought.

-Annie's pov-

     I had been quietly sitting in the great hall with a cup of coffee just to my liking while reading a book I had brought back from France.

    Suddenly there were loud footsteps. Once my eyes finally broke away from my book I looked up and saw him.

1,130 words

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