character info

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So since I haven't updated these past two weeks and won't post for a couple more days I thought that I would share some background and info into the personalities of my characters.(Just my ocs)

-favorite color: cream or sage green
-job if wasn't a witch: florist or home decorator/ backyard
-favorite drink: jasmine tea with a splash of lemon
-favorite ice cream: strawberry or black raspberry
-she doesn't have any allergies
-hates: most meats, peanut butter, nitro brew coffee, mustard
-loves: brie, oat milk, balsamic dressing salad with croutons
-sport: cross country, yoga or swimming
-if she was a muggle she would own lots of plants, go to the farmers market, take yoga classes and live in the Netherlands plainly for the tulips.
-if her friends had a fight she would stay neutral between sides

-favorite color: pink
-job if wasn't a witch: journalist or psychologist
-favorite drink: iced peach tea, caramel iced coffee (with fat free milk even though it upsets her stomach and makes her sick)
-favorite ice cream: mango or coffee
-lactose intolerant ( tries to be a rebel by eating it but regrets afterward)
-hates: mushrooms, tofu, bacon, hot dogs
-loves: strawberries, steak, fish, mashed potatoes, spicy foods
-sport: waterpolo, cross country, or basketball
-If she were a muggle she would blast music, go shopping, go to the beach, get her nails done, and write
-if her friend group got in a fight she would choose a side immediately but then change her opinion because she found out it was the wrong decision
-funny story this character is actually based on myself.

-favorite color: blue
-job if wasn't a wizard: corporate job or sports commenter
-favorite drink: hard coffee with a swirl of chocolate
-favorite ice cream: chocolate or coffee
-no allergies
-hates: salad, sour foods, asparagus, tomatoes
-loves: all meat, chocolate, tacos
-sport: baseball, mountain bike or football
-if he was a muggle he would bike around even if he had a car, go to the library and read secretly, go up to the tallest hill and watch the sunrise in the mornings
-if his friend group was in a fight he would rationally decide which side to be on if he choose one

-favorite color: green
-job if wasn't a wizard: financial adviser
-favorite drink: energy drinks
-favorite ice cream: cookies n cream
-allergic to peanuts
-hates: any type of melon, custard, and chili
-loves: blueberries, turkey, Indian food,  bagels, ravioli
-sport: golf or track
-If he was a muggle he would wake up early to go on long runs, he would go to seven 11 to get candy and then feel bad about eating, drink red bulls and bangs while doing late night math homework because he is in the advanced classes
-if his friend group was in a fight he would want
to join a side but be to cowardly to do so.

I know it's not a real chapter but I don't have my computer with me in vacation and I had a tournament last weekend in a different state so I didn't have time.
I'm in Hawaii rn on spring break
Also thank you all so much for your support it means sm to me! love you all and if you need someone to talk to here's my snap: sneitz002

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