Part 13- Love drought

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Part 13

March 5 8:17

Regular pov

It was now December and almost time for the holidays and Hogwarts was showing it. Annie was excited to go to Cordelia's over the break. She had become very close with her and Daphne lately. Maybe even closer than she ever was to Astoria and Pansy, Not Theodore though. She would never be as close to anyone as Theodore. She's had a recent fallout with Theodore though.

She found herself rarely sitting with him in the windowsill and even recently she had been sitting with other people during class and lunch. She hadn't noticed this yet though. But she had been feeling particularly empty. Like something was missing.

She had been distracting herself with her new friends that she had barely noticed the absence.

Annie would soon realize that she would regret forgetting about him and distancing herself. She was distancing herself so that she could get rid of her feelings. She thought that Theodore would never feel the same and it hurt her to think that way.

So she distanced herself. Far away from any hurt. She knew this was her defense mechanism. Putting up walls was just what she did. She never knew that she was hurting Theodore.

Theodore felt lonely as ever. He was so hurt when Annie had sat with someone else. He knew that she for sure didn't fancy him. But this partly made him want to fight for her more. At the same time he didn't want to push her. He was so confused. It was infuriating.

To top things off he could see Nathan flirting with her all the time. He wanted to go punch him in the face. Annie was his and he thought everyone knew that but apparently not.

For Blaise he still hadn't given up on Daphne. He wouldn't. In his eyes she was absolutely perfect and for Blaise that was hard to find. So he cornered her after class. Told her how he felt constantly asking her to go out with him and she would constantly turn him done.

Daphne really liked Blaise. She might even love him. But she was afraid. She didn't know how to tell him and she didn't want to hurt her sisters feelings.

Her sister unbeknownst her was pining for someone else now. Draco Malfoy. She really liked Draco but she was also afraid to tell him how she felt.

Love at Hogwarts was messed up to say the least. Even Cordelia and Harry were having minor issues. Cho was once again pining for Harry relentlessly and Harry was jealous of Cordelia, Louis, and Nathan's friendship.

The only couple that wasn't having issues was surprisingly Hermione and Ron. They seemed resistant from the love drought.

Everyone was excited to get away for the holidays.


It was now a day before the holidays and Annie had been packing to go to Cordelia's house.

She threw all of her clothes into her trunk along with some books and her notebooks. After she finished packing she decided to paint her nails.

She picked up her nude nail polish and uncapped it and began to paint her right hand. She was almost done with her right hand when she heard the door open.

"Hey Rori"

She turned around surprised to see him. She hadn't talked to him for so long. "Theo!" she quickly got up and wrapped her arms around his neck careful not to ruin her nails.

His body immediately stiffed at her sudden embrace but then he softened and wrapped his arms around her waist. He quietly whispered in her ear "I've missed you Aurora"

They stood there a while holding each other. They both felt whole.

"So this is the dorm of the Antionette Aurora Delcour" He said sarcastically

"Ah yes it is Theodore Sileo Nott"

"Well am I going to get a tour?"

"Of course" first she pointed to her Artwork "This here is some artwork I did with Daphne" and then she pointed to her bookshelf "These are my books the first row are french the second row are Latin and the last row are English."

"Very interesting." He nodded pretending that it was a very important detailed novel.

Annie giggled before continuing "And this is my bed" she said pointing to her bed

"Ok pick out your favorite book."

"What? Why?"

" Just do it."

"Alright then."

Theodore got on her bed and laid down. When she turned around with a book in hand she saw Theodore on her bed.

When he saw her staring he said "Need an invitation come on." and he moved over so that she could lay down next to him.

Once she did he quickly pulled her so that her head was on his chest. "Alright so tell me what it's about." He said referring to her book.

"Romeo and Juliet. It's about two people from fighting families that fall in love. They secretly get married and they both die at the end."

"Wait why do they die?!" Theodore asked confusedly

"Ah well you're going to have to read it to find out."

"Can you read it to me" He said trying to make puppy eyes but failing

"I'll read the first two scenes and then you have to read the rest all right."


"Ok so Act one Scene one. Gregory, on my word we'll not carry coals." She began

While she was reading Theodore ran his fingers through her hair. He wished that he could sit here forever with her. He missed this.

"So what do you think?"

"How do you understand a word of that? They talk like gibberish!"

"You have to reread it a few times to understand," she replied, shrugging like it wasn't a big deal. "How about I lend it to you over the holidays and then you give it back to me after. Deal?"

"Alright. But no promises I will understand it." she giggled again.

Annie wondered why she always giggled when she was with Theodore. Whenever she was with the other guys she laughed but with Theodore it was a giggle.

"I forgot to ask, are you going home for break?" Theodore asked

"I'm actually going to Black manor with Delia. You should come to the Black's on Christmas! I'll be there and we can hang out together!"

Theodore was confused on why she was going to Black manor. She always went back to her house over the break but I guess it was different now. He pondered the thought for a little.

He really wanted to see Annie over break. Maybe he could kiss her under the mistletoe and ask her to be his girlfriend. It would be the perfect time. "Well I ought to talk to my father about it but maybe."

"Great!" she replied and then snuggled into his chest tiredly. She soon fell asleep in the arms of the guy she fancied and she could have never felt more complete before. That's when she realized that Theodore was her missing piece. That she wanted him to be there forever.

Theodore felt over the moon. His plan to see her before break and to rekindle their friendship had worked! Maybe she did feel the same way! That night his head was filled with only happy thoughts.

Soon Theodore fell asleep too. And they both had peaceful nights but feeling completely complete.


Sorry late update I forgot to post last night!

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