Part Eight- The blood traitor

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Part 8

February 12 9:30pm- February 15 12:34pm

Normal pov:

    Annie woke up the next morning feeling half her body in warmth and comfort that she hadn't felt in a long time. She felt as though she was sitting in a field far away from all the problems and weights of her past. Almost like the sun had burned them all away, instead of having a sunburn she had a magnificent tan. When she sucked in the scent her nose was greeted with a manly cologne, the smell of a recently burned candle, and honey, the sweet scent of honey making the rest of the strong scents soften. She cuddled into the scent.

    Theodore awoke to a girl cuddling closer to him. When he snuck a look at the girl he saw her golden hair tangled together but still looked beautiful. He noticed how it sparkled like the sun was beaming off it but when he looked around the room was almost completely dark. He noticed how warm she was against his chest. He felt like she was a warm blanket that he never wanted to leave. The scent of roses, daffodils, and vanilla came into his nose. He loved the scent and continued to breathe in it like she was the only thing he was breathing for. He brushed a piece of her golden hair off her beautiful face. He noticed how her nose curved up at the end and how her cheekbones were high on her face but not too high to make her look delicate. When he looked at her lips he saw that they were a light pink and soft, how much he wished to connect his lips with hers.

    Before he knew what he was doing he gave her a kiss on her dusty rose cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open to show her bahama blue eyes. She looked up at the direction of the kiss that had so much love hidden behind walls that she had broken down last night. When her eyes met Theodores she smiled sweetly at him. Not caring how weird it might have been to wake up in her best mates arms.

    She then softly said to him "Morning Theo"

    He noticed how tired and soft her voice sounded and took a moment before replying "Morning Aurora"

    No one had ever called Annie that and she felt butterflies fly around in her stomach. Normally she would have been mad at him for calling her something other than her name but surprisingly she liked the way that it came out of his mouth. He sounded kind and loving without knowing it and she loved it.

    Neither of them were ready to talk about what they had spoken about that past night. But they knew their secrets with each other, but they also knew that they were topics that they weren't going to talk about for a while. It was an unspoken agreement that they both had made out of respect to each other.

    When they got up they both went up to their respective dorms to get ready. They both had a smile that wouldn't be washed off easily. When Annie got to the mirror in her bathroom she noticed that her usual pale cheeks looked like they were dusted with blush and her smile stretched across her entire face. She had never felt this bliss for so long, and she never wanted it to end.

    When Theodore got to his room he noticed the usual bags that reside under his eyes had left town. He looked rested with a heavenly sleep that he never wanted to end. He wished that he could have held Annie in his arms forever. He loved the look that she gave him when he called her Aurora. It had been a complete accident but the outcome had benefited him greatly.


After getting ready he walked up to the great hall with Blaise and Draco. They noticed his mood and how happy he looked. They also had noticed he never came to the dorm that past night. When walking into the common room they saw him on the couch in the common room with Annie in his arms.

When Annie walked up to the dining hall with Astoria and Pansy they hadn't noticed her happy expression for they were too caught up with their other feelings. They were talking happily about the dance. Astoria gushed about how thoughtful Blaise was while Pansy gushed about Draco finally asking her out.

Annie had decided against telling them right away of what happened the night before. Neither Pansy or Astoria had noticed her missing the night before. It's not that they didn't care about her, they were just caught up in themselves.

There was a girl who did notice she was on the couch with Theodore and that was Daphne. Daphne Greengrass was different from most Slytherins. She didn't believe in blood surpremise like Draco and the rest of the crew did. She had noticed that when Annie came to Hogwarts she didn't care about it either and Theodore had stopped caring about it when she showed up too.

Daphne had wanted to be friends with Annie but knew she would be exiled from her group if she had become friends with the elder Greengrass.

Annie had in fact noticed Daphne before. She had seen her hanging out with Gryffindors and sometimes sitting in the common room. She noticed how she sat away from the Slytherins. She also noticed the longing looks she gave Blaise when he wasn't looking and the same he would give her when she wasn't looking.

Annie knew that Blaise liked Daphne and maybe even loved her but also knew that he would never admit it.

When Annie was walking she dropped something from her bag and kneeled down to grab it and when she noticed what it was she froze. It was the tulip Theodore had given her.

Daphne noticed the girl looking at the tulip on the ground and walked up to her. By the time she reached Annie she had picked up the flower and was standing back up.

"Hey are you ok?" Daphne asked the blonde

"Oh um yeah I'm fine." She replied. "I don't think we've been properly introduced, I'm Annie." and she stuck it out for Daphne to shake

Daphne shyly shook it "Daphne, Daphne Greengrass."

Annie's eyes widened at her last name"Oh! Your Astoria's sister."

    Daphne nodded her head "Yeah she's my little sister. I'm surprised you know where sisters she likes to pretend that we aren't related."

    "Well I actually figured it out through your last name. How come?"

    "To her it's kind of embarrassing to have a blood traitor as a sister."

    "She does kind of get twirled up in that nonsense."

    "You don't believe in it?"

    "Well I find it very dumb, but it also might be because I'm a half breed so."

    "Half breed?"

    "Aw yeah I thought the whole school knew but I am half veela."

    "Thats bloody amazing! I've always found veelas' to be very interesting."

    "Most people are scared of us or think we are irresistible. Well we should probably go to breakfast so we aren't late."

    "Yes we probably should. Well it was nice talking to you." Daphne said with a smile

    "We should talk more often. Goodbye" Annie said with a wave and she walked into the great hall. Never had she thought that she would have had a conversation with Daphne.

    Daphne waited ten minutes before entering the great hall not wanting Annie's friends and her sister to be suspicious that Annie would hang out with a blood traitor. Then she walked to her spot at the far end of the table away from everyone else.



Surprise I actually updated early. I had this bug that I needed to get off my mind so I decided to write.

I'm driving home from Tahoe right now and we stopped and the weather was really great so I was happy about that

I love this chapter so much even though nothing really happens beside Annie and Daphne have a conversation

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