Part Four- weasley asked who?

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Chapter 4

December 23 9:45 pm- December 27 5:50 pm

Regular pov:

Theo carried Annie over his shoulder all the way to the great hall. People stared at him as he carried Annie over his shoulder in shock. Last year at Hogwarts Annie was known as the unattainable, quiet, polite, and beautiful transfer student. Everyone in Hogwarts knew that she was a transfer student from the popular Beauxbatons. Beauxbaton is a magic school in France known to hold the most beautiful girls. It also held veelas. Veelas are the most beautiful women known. Annie being from Beauxbatons was rumored to be a veela. These rumors were only partly true but she told no one that she was half veela.

Annie didn't like to talk tons about her past. When she was only 6 years old she saw her mother die when attacked by a dark wizard. She was trying to protect Annie and her sisters. When she saw her mother die she ran to attack but her sister Fleur grabbed her and they ran for safety. Annie was the only one who saw it and it haunted her day and night for years. She would never sleep for she feared when she closed her eyes she would see the green flash of light as it shot right at her mother's chest. Her face becomes ghastly white and her body becomes limp as she collapses to the ground. The world suddenly became a cold place no longer holding the love, warmth, and serenity that her mother generated.

Everything in her life seemed to be darker. When her father yelled at her and her sisters she would just obey. When her manners teacher beat her she would just look grimly. It seemed as though everything was numb. When she went to Beauxbatons she was one of the most prominent girls there. Her mother being a veela, father being an affluent french man and having Fleur as her older sister, people treated her like royalty. She hated it there, hated everyone being dulcet and kind. At Beauxbatons it may have been smiley and kind but the atmosphere was discommoding and stiff everyone always trying to be indefectible, flawless, and picture perfect

When she transferred to Hogwats she was flabbergasted as to see just how differently people acted there. There were little to no balls, no uncomfortable uniforms, and certainly no perfect wannabe people. They had huge dinners every night where people ate with little to no manners, dances where girls could wear two piece dresses and not get dress coded or called a slut, and parties like real parties with loud music, dirty dancing, and lots of firewhiskey shots. She liked the atmosphere here when she slept; she rarely had nightmares of her mother dying. But she was given other reminders, thestrals. She read of them when she attended Beauxbatons; people can only see them if they have seen someone die. No one knew she could see them though, but she knew Theo could, she saw the way he stared at them with dolefulness. She decided against telling him she could see them though. She didn't want to talk about her past she only wanted to talk about right now.

Theodore gently took her off his shoulder and put her down. He smiled down at her and as she looked up and fought a smile.

"You can't keep doing that or you'll ruin my reputation" she said to him while smiling.

"You know you love it when I do it." he said smirking back at her. She swiftly swatted his chest. He put his arm around her shoulders while pulling her close to him and they walked into the great hall. A small blush crept onto her face as people began to stare.

They both sat down at the Slytherin table with the rest of their friends. She grabbed a roll and picked at it as they all talked.

"So who is going to get the firewhiskey for the party?" Pansy asked

"Not me, I got it last time." said Astoria

"I'll have my mum send me some." Blaise stated as if it were no problem.

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