Part Six- The pink rose?

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Part 6
January 4 11:15 am- January 30 9:26 pm
Theodore pov

As the sunlight poured into the dorm I rolled over and placed my head into the pillow and pulled the covers over my head to shield myself to the brightness. After sitting there trying to fall back asleep and I became impatient and angry. I got up to see Draco trying to shield himself with his pillow while Blaise seemed unaffected by the light and continued to sleep. I wish that I could sleep that good but then again it was Blaise. He could sleep through anything not bothered at all.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. Once it did I hopped in and felt the hot water hit my skin. When I got out I grabbed some clothes and put them on and ran my fingers through my hair. I checked my watch that said 7:54.

It was the weekend and I had nothing planned. So I walked down to the great hall. As I looked over to the Slytherin table knowing that a beautiful blonde would be there but to my surprise, she wasn't there.

I wondered where she was as I hadn't seen her in the common room or in the halls. I decided to go check the library as maybe she would be looking for a book. I knew that she wouldn't still be asleep, but for her to not be at the table by 8:00 was peculiar.

So as I wandered to the library I began to dwell on why she wouldn't be at the great hall. Maybe she already ate, it sounded like that could be the case but usually she would just come back to the common room.

When I got to the library I looked around and she was nowhere to be seen. So I decided to go back to the great hall and eat breakfast. It's not like she could be in trouble. Hogwarts is safe.

As I walked back to the great hall I saw Draco strode up to meet him.

"I thought you were already at the great hall?" Draco said when I had catched up with him.

I was about to answer when I realized I had been searching for Rori and if he knew that I was worried about her he would assume that I fancied her. Do I fancy her?

"Oh I just, um , went to the library because I left my book there last night." Draco looked at me as if he was questioning if I was telling the truth or not. But then he looked back forwards so I guessed he must've dropped it.

We entered the great hall and sat down at the table next to Astoria and Pansy. They had been talking in hushed voices and seemed to abruptly stop their conversation once we sat down. I looked over to Draco and his expression mirrored my own, confused. I decided that it wasn't worth my time at the moment and pulled some breakfast on my plate.

"Have you seen Annie this morning? She wasn't in our dorm when we woke up and she wasn't in the great hall when we got here." Pansy questioned. She looked over at me as if she was asking me.

"I haven't seen her either. Theo did you see her when you went to the library?" Draco asked me.

"Why were you in the library?" Astoria asked me

"I left my um.." I tried to remember what I had told Draco earlier. "I left my book there last night."

Pansy and Astoria both looked at me in disbelief. They looked as though they were about to question me further when Blaise sat himself done at the table.

"Hey guys. How did you guys sleep?"

"Obviously not as good as you Blaise." Astoria said staring at him in a weird way. She never looked at Draco or me that way. But that wasn't my top priority at the moment.

I tried to engage in the conversation but found my mind constantly drifting to Rori. Where was she? Was she lost? Did someone kidnap her?! What if she was hurt?! What if the person who kidnapped her, hurt her?! I had to go find her. Then I realised; why am I so worried? I have never been this worried when Astoria or Pansy were gone. How and why was Rori different. Loads of questions filtered through my head. Then my head shot up at the sound of someone saying my name.

"Theo! Did you hear anything we were saying?" Pansy asked me. I looked at her with shock. Had I really just zoned out their entire conversation? Usually I just pretended that I was zoning out or at least tried.

She sighed and then continued "We were asking you who you were going to take to the Halloween dance. And how a bunch of girls were asking us if you had a date yet."

"Oh. I haven't decided who I'm going to ask yet. Probably Rori." I said then immediately regretted the last chunk of that sentence. "I mean.. She's a Slytherin, and she's part of our friend group." I said quickly, trying not to make a big deal.

I obviously hadn't made a very convincing excuse as both Pansy and Astoria wher looking at me wide eyed then at each other as if they were speaking this language I couldn't understand. Draco was smiling knowingly, as though he knew I was going to ask her all along.

Then he looked at Pansy and looked as though he was about to speak. "Pansy do you wanna go with me to the Halloween dance?" I wondered where this came from. I always thought he fancied Astoria, but then again he could have other motives.

"Yes!" Pansy said almost immediately. I knew that she had always fancied Draco even since we were kids.

Then Draco looked at Blaise. It looked like Blaise had this huge realization and he turned to Astoria quickly. "Hey Tory you wanna come with me to the Halloween dance?" Then he pulled a dusty pink rose and offered it to her.
She looked at him surprised. She looked extremely taken off guard. Pansy nudged her and she finally replied "Sure Blaise!"

Blaise gave her the rose and then Draco gave him a fist bump under the table. They must have planned this I thought. Then my next thought came, how am I supposed to ask Rori?
A/N -
Hey guys! I'm so sorry for being off the grid for so long. I'm finally back from vacation and it took loads of time adjusting.
I realized I never made face claims for the characters. So that will prob be in the next part!
If anyone has any suggestions for a face claim for Annie lmk.
I went skiing earlier today and I had to wake up at 5:15 this morning to drive there which was a pain.
Also let me know if there were any grammar errors or spelling!!
These past two chapters have been terrible. But I'm going to try to write another chapter tonight and post it tomorrow. I think I might start posting every saturday now.
Happy Saturday!

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