Part 7- la belle fleur

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Part 7

February 2 9:10 am- February 12 8:45 pm

Normal pov

    As Theodore was at the Slytherin table watching his friends asking each other to the Halloween Ball, Annie sat underneath a tree near the black lake. Today has been a sunny but windy day. Annie ended up staying there until 3:00 pm.

    Theodore had decided to walk around the castle. The halls were mostly empty as everyone would be in their common room or out near the black lake. As he was lost in thought he found himself near the common area where Draco and the rest of Theodore's friends would usually hangout. He was about to walk over to them when he saw Potter and his group of Gryffindors in a circle with the Slytherins. He turned quickly around and quickly walked to the dungeons. Trying to avoid the fight and the detention that might follow it.

    When arriving he saw a petite blonde walking towards the door, lost in a book. He walked up to her and spooked her. "Hey Rori" She visibly jumped in surprise

    She looked up at the smirking boy. She noticed how attractive he looked when smirking but then brushed it off. "Theodore don't you dare do that again."

    "And what would you do if I did Antonette." He replied slyly. He noticed how visibly angry she looked.  It was funny how such a small person could get so mad.

    She wasn't expecting him to say that to her. How could she not though, he was always very flirty with her ever since she met him. She thought that it was just his personality, which she was right originally. Before she had transferred from Beauxbatons he flirted with everyone.

    But then he met her and stopped flirting with other girls and only flirted with her. She never noticed this but others did. Draco and Blaise were the first ones to notice he wasn't flirting with lots of girls anymore. They weren't sure why but they soon figured out that it was because of Annie.

    As Annie stuttered Theodore thought that this might be a good time to ask her to the Halloween dance. He quickly conjured up a single tulip. It was yellow but as it went up it turned pink. He pulled it from behind his back as if he was presenting it to her.

    She looked at him confused at what he was doing. Then he confidently said "Would you like to accompany me to the halloween dance?"

    She was shocked once again. She was flabbergasted once again by him. "Um... Yes" she replied nervously. She wondered why he would ask her to the dance. He was super cute, pureblood, and funny. Why would he go for her? A short, half breed, annoying girl.

After she responded his face lit up immediately not caring if she knew how much she meant to him. When Pansy said yes to Draco, Draco wasn't this happy, and neither was Blaise when he asked Astoria. But Theodore was over the moon.

He handed her the flower and she smiled down at it. She had never seen a more beautiful flower. He didn't notice how beautiful the flower was as he was looking at her blushing and beaming. He couldn't think of anything more beautiful than her.

"So are we gonna match because I don't think that I could look as good as you."

Annie's cheeks went bright red at the statement. "I know, I am really beautiful" She replied while smirking.

"Don't flatter yourself Delacour." The boy said with a joking tone.

"Aw are you jealous because I'm better looking than you"

"Now, now, you don't want to get too cocky Rori."

They continued to flirt with each other as they made their way down to the dungeons and sat down on one of the large leather couches. These couches were huge and they could fit almost 4 people on them. They both sat down on the couch and their knees were touching by how close they were. They chatted for a long time, even missing dinner but they didn't seem to notice.

    "Rori?" He turned to look at her straight in the eye.

    "Yes" She turned to face him as well and noticed that their noses were only inches away. She sucked in a fast breath trying to control her heart beat.

    "Say something to me in French."

    "What do you want me to say?"


    She sighed and thought about something to say. "La fleur est magnifique"

    Theodore listened to her say the sentence quietly as he thought through previous memories. "My mum used to talk to me in french." He said quietly with a trace of sadness in his voice.

    She looked at him surprised, he never talked about his mother. She decided to respond in french. "Votre mère a l'air magnifique. Ma mère est morte quand j'étais jeune aussi."

    His gaze that had fallen to his lap looked back up at her. "What did you say?" He asked softly.

    "Your mother sounds wonderful. My mother died when I was young too." Now it was her turn to look at her lap. She had never spoken about her family situation to anyone at Hogwarts.

    She felt a strong but comforting arm wrap around her and she leaned into the physical contact. He kissed her forehead slowly and lovingly.

They both felt a sadness in their heart as they mourned the loss of their mothers but also felt love as they had both gone through the same thing. They felt comfort in each other that they hadn't felt in a long time.

    She slowly fell asleep in his comforting arms and he could hear her soft breathing. He felt like the king of the world that in that moment she was in his arms. He hoped that this feeling would last forever as he laid down on the couch and held her in his arms and slowly drifted to sleep.



The image is low quality but this is what the flower looks like

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The image is low quality but this is what the flower looks like. It's actually called Antoinette tulip which I thought was really cool.


Hi guys sorry this is late I just have had no motivation to continue writing this.

I LOVE this scene it just makes me so happy

I decided that they should start having more scenes alone together to show how much they both care for each other.

Also I used google translate on the french so it might not be correct, sorry.

Hope you all have a great weekend and comment if you are alone on valentines just like me whoop!

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