Chapter 9-Surprise With Him

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Chapter 9-Surprise With Him

 When I woke up the bed was cold. I couldn't remember how I got here in this extremely nice hotel room. There was so many things that were going through my mind at this moment, it felt like some nasty hangover.

Where is Oscar? Was he even here or does he hate me so much that he decided to just leave?


I looked at the clock, it was five in the morning, then I looked at the TV. Do I dare to turn it on or will I wake someone up?


My eyelids began to cover and uncover my eyes. My body was telling me to sleep but my brain said just to stay up. I sided with my body, wrapping my body with the fluffy bed spread.


This soft, tender, and warm touch woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes seeing Oscar. At this moment I was filled with joy, I screamed and pulled him close to me. Oscar's laugh echoed in my ear. "I thought you left me here," I whispered.


"I would never do that." Oscar's breath was hot on my neck. My heart thumped and beating crazily as soon as I felt it. And I have to admit it, it felt good.


"Where did you go?" I said, still holding on tightly to him. I mean why does it matter, he already knows that I like him, and I already know what he did with this information. That's when I decided to let go of him.


Oscar had his bright smile on, it wasn't the forced kind, it was the type where you smiled only for the fact that something truly, honestly, and rawly made you smile. "Oh, about that," his smile grew bigger. "Come here I have to show you something." Oscar's hand pulled on mine, pulling me out of bed. My body filled with nerves.


You know that feeling when you see you crush? That kind of feeling. But this feeling had even more butterflies and different temptations you wouldn't dare to do to a crush.


"Okay," I said suddenly interested.


Oscar opened the door, "C'mon, it's waiting for you."


"Really?" I whined.


"Relax AJ, it's fine." He pulled on my hand even harder, giving it a gentle squeeze.


Oscar led the way down all those stairs, yelling at me to hurry up, like what ever he had to show me could magically disappear. The way he raised his voice, plus his accent, made it even harder to resist him. Then finally we got down to the lobby, the man behind the desk gave us a weird look.


Being his dumb self, Oscar stopped right in front of me, making my lips hit his neck. We didn't say anything at first, both obviously embarrassed. He pulled on my shoulders, moving me past him.


"What are you doing?" I said as he put his hands over my eyes.


"Just open the door."


We walked out and I put my hands over his hands digging my nails into him.


"What the-" Oscar looked at his hands, you could see the nail marks on his hands.


"What are you going to show me?" I said before he could whine about his hands.


"C'mon over here." Oscar grabbed my hand sticking his other hand in his pocket. I never have gotten why a guy will hold a girl's hand when he doesn't like her. It's not like it's some friendly gesture.


We walked on the sidewalk in the dim light of the sun for a while.  Oscar swigged our hands around playfully.  Again I digged my nails into him and he stopped for a bit then began doing it again, laughing. I let him, with out a complaint, because I love hearing his laugh.


"Can I cover your eyes now?" Oscar said innocently.


I couldn't stand to say no to him. "Yeah I guess." His hands were now cold, but I liked the way they felt. "A couple of more steps." He whispered. Oscar took his hands away from my eyes. I opened my eyes. It was my truck sitting at a body shop.


"Oh my gosh." I said hugging him tightly, not knowing what else to say.


"It'll be fix in a couple of days." Oscar breathed into my hair. "I guess we're stuck here," he paused, "for a couple of days."


Maybe I won't mind being stuck here with Oscar, and maybe I can say I'm falling in love, even though I don't want to admit it.

A/N: I was going to update yesterday, but I got really tired. I feel like this is a shorter chapter but I could be wrong because it didn't take me long to write it.  

I felt like this chapter was rather boring compared to the rest, but the thing is I just didn't want to get into the next parts yet because I wouldn't be able to end it. I'm still planning out how everything is going to go and everything. But I do have the next couple of chapters planned out so I haven't ran out of ideas yet.

Hope you all like it,


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