Chapter 7-Figuring Things Out (Kind Of) With Him

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Chapter 7

Figuring Things Out (Kind Of) With Him

 I woke up early just like I would if I was back at home, but unlike home, I was laying in Oscar's arms.

We had to figure out how this was going to work. And no I'm not talking about the whole bed situation, I actually don't mind it (I mean what girl wouldn't love to be in the arms of a hot Swedish boy).

Do I like him? Does he even like me? These thought continuously seem to haunt my mind every time I look at his face, and considering that I'm kind of stuck with him, that's a lot.

It was stupid of me, but I just laid there in Oscar's arms waiting for him to wake up, because I didn't want to wake him. His warm breath ran down my neck as he exhale, it felt good yet I was scared...Of falling in love.  I know it's so stupid of me to say, but I don't want to get hurt, I just want it to last.

"Hey," Oscar whispered.

"I have to tell you something." I quickly spoke, more than likely sounding like one word rather than six.

Oscar pulled away from me, getting up and stretching. "Can it wait until I'm up?" He still whispered in some sort of way.

I couldn't help but remember from last night when he took of his shirt right in front of me before he got into bed (You know how guys pull their shirts off from the back of them? Like the hot, sexy, almost aggressive way? Yeah that way). Oscar turned off the lights before I could get a good look at them. Was he trying to tease me or-?

"Wait I have to tell you something before I forget." He pulled his shirt back on.

His morning voice is so damn sexy. AJ stop acting this way. You don't like him. You don't-

"It's about last night-"

"Oscar I don't want to talk about it. It was nothing. I was tired. You were tired. And you're probably not think right right now 'cause you just woke up. And-"

Then we kissed....Almost. Oscar grabbed my face and his lips (or maybe it was his breath) touch mine for at least half a second, but that was it. I stopped and looked into his eyes, the temptation rising in me. Taking a deep breath, I kissed him this time.

It felt it felt great to kiss Oscar. Our lips just felt right together, like the left sock you've been searching for for what feels like forever. This kiss was soft and gently, not too much or too little. It was just perfect, I can't think of anyway else to describe it. Maybe amazing or the best feeling in the world.

I mean let's be for real here, he did have that morning breath taste to him.

I looked into Oscar's eye, feeling embarrassed almost as if I'm paralyzed. "Sorry," I said pulling myself away from him and hiding my face so he doesn't see that stupid smile or my stupid red cheek. "I shouldn't have done that." I whispered, sitting down on the bed, where some of our body heat was still remaining.

Oscar stood really close to me, then sat down next to me, pulled me in his arms, I laid my head on his shoulder. "It's fine." His hands rubbed my back.

"You don't get it!" I shouted pushing Oscar away from me, he was now on the far side of the bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to push you that hard." My face turned that familiar red color. Why is everything sounding so sexually in my head?!

"It's fine." Oscar mumbled. I know he really didn't think it was fine.

"I really shouldn't have done that. I was going to talk to you about something, but I'm not sure if I should. I just don't want to confuse you anymore than I already have."

"Trust me, I don't think you can be any more confusing." Then he smiled, my heart raised to my throat, I felt like it's going to be stuck there. "I mean we're stuck with each other for, who knows how long, so you might as well tell me."

"I don't think I can."

Oscar exhaled loudly and for a long time. "Why?" He was trying hard not to yell at me. It's like one of the situations where you know neither of you are going to win and by yelling at each other isn't going to make a difference, so there isn't no bother to wasting the energy.

"I just can't." My voice cracked and again I felt stupid. "I'm going to sound really stupid."

"In my eyes you'll never sound stupid," Oscar tried again.

"Can we just get going?" I got up from the bed, but Oscar pulled my arm, forcing me to sit down again. My arm still stinging after he let go.

"No, we're staying here until you tell me."

"Just don't look at me when I'm saying it."

He laughed that same laugh from last night. "Okay, fine."

"I can't get over last night. The way your hand touch mine...Never mind, I don't have to tell you anything." I again tried getting up, but Oscar just pulled me back down.

"We probably should get going." He whispered.

And just by the tone of Oscar's voice I knew he didn't like me, just like every uncliche story. I hate cliche things but now I wish this was a cliche because I think I was hurt.

A/N: Is AJ being annoying (and confusing) to you guys or what? That girl doesn't know what she wants. But we'll figure out what they are pretty soon. I feel bad for her though.
What do you all think about it so far? Sorry it took so long to update, I didn't know what I really wanted to happen in this chapter.

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