Part 2: Chapter 2-Becoming Lovers (Again) With Him

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Chapter 2-Becoming Lovers (again) with him

I handed Zoe to my Dad who for some odd reason was in the room talking to Oscar.

"Umm..." I could barely get a sound out of my mouth. Man it's really gotten awkward between us. Even more awkward than the first time we met. "I--Um..."

Oscar laughed, again awkward as anyone could guess. He moves closer to me. I had to hold the temptations to ruffle my fingers through his hand or grab onto him planting a long, and leading to more than a kiss, kind-of kiss.

"I know it's awkward between us and I have a lot of explaining to do for my absence in Zoe's life. I'm-"

Feelings rushed into my mind at a faster rate than a rocket ship. He talks like a man--sexy and in charge. His personality has changed--mature and intellectual. He dressed up really nice...Well at least nicer than the trash bags I'm use to seeing. Jean blue button up that matches his unmistakeable eyes. And his hair is more blonde than I remember. But despite these differences everything else seems frankly the same.

"...And I love you AJ and I want to be with y-"

The sound of Zoe cry makes me jump, the memories of her tears waking me up at night are clear as day. I put my hand to my forehead showing a definite sign of stress. "I'm sorry I have to go check on her."

I didn't expect him to be so close to me. Our lips are temptingly close and I try to resist the urge to pull in a little bit closer. But-

Oscar lays a gentle hand on my back, rubbing it oh-so tenderly. His staring into my eyes and I know exactly what he's doing. Like I was, Oscar is trying to figure me out once again. Then we kiss. First it's slow, like you go slow when you first have sex. Then, I wrap my arms around his next, sending him the signal. Before either one of us could control ourselves, he pushes me up against the faint white wall while I get to work unbuttoning his shirt.

Zoe ruins the moment that we shouldn't be having right now (and that I shouldn't be blaming on her). "I should probably see what she's up to," While saying this I avoid all eye contact.

I walk into the living room seeing her being held up by my Dad while she bounces up and down. Zoe looks at me and immediately stops wailing, forming a big smile. There inside her mouth is a sneak peek of a little tooth.

Oscar and I play with Zoe for a while. At first Zoe seems utterly confused by the stranger in her house, but eventually she gets use to him, wanting him to hold her while she bounces up and down.

"Hey AJ? Why don't you and Oscar go and get dinner." Dad coughs to clear his throat for his next line. "Just the two of you. We can watch Zoe for you."

"Thanks Dad," I give him one quick hug and then Oscar and I are out the door.

Oscar sinks into the passanger's seat. "Well, this brings back quite a lot of memories."

I smile, hoping he wouldn't notice. He touches my thigh, probably hoping to finish what we started. I jumped out of instinct. "Sorry," I mumbled. Lowering my head as much as I could while still being able to see the road ahead of me.

"No it's my fault. I should have done that." We didn't say much after that.

Once we get at the slighty decent nonoutdated place, my shaky hands fumble to get the seat belt off. Oscar moved his hand to help. Then our eyes meet yet again like some type of destiny shit. This time I'm the quick one to react.

Smahing my lips hard onto Oscar's, I find myself being more and more immune to his touch. I slide over to his seat, our bodies packed up against each other. We begin to redo what we started earlier. My hands shake while I undo his shirt, like it was our first time. I'm trying to do this fast just in case if I regret it, I won't regret it during this session. I mean wouldn't it be weird if he just took his thing out of me because I decided I didn't want him

in me? How fucked up does that sound?

This feeling of guilt came to me soon then I expected. "Oscar," I whispered out of breath, "I can't do this." Now I sound like the virgin that I should've been.

He tries to look in my eyes, but I turn my head trying to zip up my skirt. "It's fine. Maybe it's not a good idea. I mean I wouldn't have been able to stop myself."

I tried to hide that smile.

He held my hand while we walk into the restaurant, giving it a few squeezes of comfort. "I'm glad that we finally get to talk. I've been meaning to fly over here but there was a lot of shit going on back in Sweden."

I was afraid to ask what was going on, so I kept my mouth shut.

"Look, AJ, can we forget that what just happened, in the car...and what happened back at you house?"

"Yeah," But I really meant no.

After this Oscar didn't try to make a conversation. We ordered---I even snuck a quick glance in his direction--and then before we knew it our food was here.

But before I could even pick up my fork, Oscar stopped me. "AJ, do you still love me?"

My face turned red. I felt like I was in some romance movie. I nodded and to clarify just in case, "Yes." I debated on whether to go further into detail.

"Good. Well this won't be as embarrassing as I thought."

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