Chapter 11-Kissing Practice With Him

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Chapter 11-Kissing Practice With Him


Tears ran down my face as I spoke, "I fucking hate you," to Oscar. This was true--partially. Because you know how you fall for someone really hard, as in almost in love, and the one thing about it is that it hurts like being burnt to death, or a knife that dug too hard into you were you cried in pain. That's the way I feel right now. I hate him for making me feel this way, unable to see myself or enjoy myself with another guy.


The next thing I knew I ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind me, yet not locking it. That's when I cried harder than I thought humanly possible.


"Can I come in?"


I didn't saying anything, grabbing the tears, and putting them back in my eyes.


Oscar opened the door anyways. "Whoa," was all he could manage to say. He quickly shut the door behind him. Sliding his, thinner than my, body next to me. Oscar just looked at me. And oh did it sting and burn and send happy chills down my spine and happy butterflies. Confused? So am I.


"Stop looking at me like I'm a freak," I said, not even trying to look at him, because I know I'm at my breaking point and I will cry because I've had enough of everything that has happened so far on this adventure.


"Did he do something to you?" Oscar asked.


Now he cared? Are you kidding me? Boys are confusing just like they say girls are confusing.


I took a deep breath. Should I tell him? "Yes, but not anything bad," I looked over at Oscar. He had a frown and I was lost, I didn't know what to do, or what to say. Or the simplest things like where to put my hand.


A third breath, "Tony held my hand, sniff my hair, looked me in the eyes. But that's not what's bothering me." I left out a sniffle trying to keep everything inside. I didn't want to spill my stupid, damn heart out to some Swedish pop star.


Oscar shoulder touch mine and I was sure it was on accident. He was looking at me with caring eyes, like he wanted or needed to hear this.


Fourth breath, trying to pile up my feeling all together. "Through out that whole date I could only think about you, Oscar." Good job not spilling you heart out to him AJ, not. Everything he did, reminded me of you. When he held my hand I wanted it to be your hand. And when he kissed me-"


Oscar pulled me close to him, and when I say close oh boy do I mean close. His eyes were an intense blue color, I loved his blue eyes more than anyone else. In fact they were looking right at me.


Then like magnets we kissed, a beautiful, intense, long, sexy, wonderful, lip biting, kiss. It felt good and I wanted more and more. My hands were around his neck, his hand were around my waist. And I realized that I was on top of him, my legs were on both sides of him.


There was that awkwardness that I missed.  My cheek were red after that beautiful, intense, long, sexy, wonderful, lip biting kiss. And Oscar had that smile that I always remembered calling nerdy; I remembered Jesi and Dani always yelling at me, and saying 'you're not a true fan,' I would laugh because he seemed real, and most importantly like a normal teenager, that was something I loved.


Oscar and I laid there, in the darkness of the bathroom floor, not saying a word. My head was on his chest and I found myself smiling because in this moment I was happy for once after everything that has happened.


When we finally went to bed, and (sadly) we didn't bang or anything like that. Oscar held me close and nothing felt more right than this. I didn't think I would be able to sleep to night, and surly didn't believe that what happened tonight was what could happen.


The one thing that I love right now, laying in bed with Oscar is that I feel safe and secure. This was something that I've always asked for.

A/N: I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you that has read this book and has gotten it to 1.3k (that is so f*cking cool). 

I want to know what you think is going to happen between Oscar and AJ. Let me know in the comments below.


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