Chapter 25-One Awful Lie and Many Beautiful Memories

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Chapter 25-The Awful Lie and Many Beautiful Memories With Him

"I have to tell you something," The warmth and tenderness of his breath soothed my soul. I relaxed my body on his, closing my eyes at this.

I signed, caught up in Oscar being himself. "What?" I finally say.

The sun was up early. Streaks of yellow and oranges peered through the sheer blinds. The trees swaying vigorously due to the wind's forceful nature. The ground appear to have a thin white iridescent frost--the cold winter season was coming soon.

"Do you want to go out for breakfast?"

How did he know breakfast was my favorite meal. How does he even have money to do this? I couldn't help but have these thoughts in my mind. I was a slight worrier...No I'm a huge worrier something I don't know who I've inherited from. Possibly my--

"Do you like the sound of that?" His voice filled with that thick swedish accent. I closed my eyes (yet again) wishing he could talk more.

I have to get out of this honeymoon-type daze I'm currently in. If I don't, next thing you know I'll be giggling like those dumb fuck girls, twirling my hair like some sick maniac, my hair becoming frizzy from the meeting of sweaty fingers.

"Yeah," I say, forgetting I haven't answered, or spoke, in a while.

Oscar's body starts shifting, touching mine as he does just that. He's going to get up and get ready for the day, while I, however far along pregnant, just want to lay here all day with him.

"Wait," I say, Oscar lays back down. "I thought we were broken," I say as if his fortune was somehow mine, like we're married.

Knock it off AJ. You annoying bitch.

"I've been mostly working and asking strangers if they've seen you." He was blushing. And without a thought I planted a quick kiss on his lips, hugging him afterwards

I felt butterflies like the first time I seen him. My lips wanted more of him but I had to stop myself. We looked at each other, I looked down thinking about all the other times I've acted like this: The day I came back here (even though I could have spent the night at Tony's) because I knew I needed him and not Tony, or when the embarrassing song came on during that party and he knew exactly what I was thinking (sorta), and when I stopped some girl from flirting with him at Goodwill.

I caught myself smiling.

Oscar was close to me, we were both sitting up. "God, I just want to-" He paused deciding not to say whatever he was planning on doing. "We should probably get ready. You stay in here and I'll get dressed in the bathroom." I don't know why he said this it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before, but I whether on not saying nothing upon the subject.

Oscar pick up a pair of worn out blue jean and two different shirts. "Babe," He shouts, I turn looking at him already pulling the shirt I was wearing to bed off. "What one?"

Again I smiled. He wanted me to pick what he was going to wear. "You know how I like you in all black."

He smiles back at me, dropping the white shirt and blue jeans, instead picking up a black pair. He goes into the bathroom "You ready?" Oscar says a minute later.

"Yep." I put my coat on: it was a little bit tighter than it usually was.

He takes my hands kissing it in the freezing air. His laugh was contagious. He held the door open for me, which is what a real, actual, official man should do.

"So," Oscar says, grabbing my hand from across the table. "about what I was going to say-"

"Are you two ready to order?" The waitress had stringy brown hair and dark circles underneath her eyes. Her bright blue eyes seemed to only concern themselves to Oscar. I rolled my eyes.

We order, she only briefly taking her gaze away from Oscar. And when she talked they stayed glued to him.

I wasn't jealous, just annoyed with the fact girls will try to flirt with another girl's man like it's some competition; why can't we all just get along, allowing for a somewhat of a safer world.

She comes back. "I'm sorry, I forgot to ask what you wanted to drink."

Oscar responds with, "Two coffees."

"I'll just have water." I jump in.

Oscar gives me a confused look. "Drinking too much coffee isn't good for the baby," I try to whisper. He nods. The waitress backs away, not daring to look at Oscar again. This is a good thing even though I wasn't striving for that.

"What were you saying?"

"Oh," He said slowly. "I have to tell you something really important." I nodded, wishing he'd continuing at a normal pace. "Don't speak until I'm finished. This has been on my mind for a while and I've been wanting to tell you."

"Come on Oscar, just spill it out already!" He puts his hand on mine.

"AJ...Before I met you I was kind of seeing some other girl. But..."

I can't believe. Not only what he said, but at how I feel. I'm confused, I don't know what to do, should I leave, make a big scene, or act like he didn't tell me this.

"Why would you tell me this?" My voiced rises, not because I was asking a question but I'm getting furious. Why would he not tell me this before. Did he not trust me enough, or were we never serious before, or have we never been serious? Did the baby change the fact that he had to tell me like he's forced to have some type of romantic relationship with me.

"AJ?" I must have been too deep in my thought.

"What!" My voice even louder, echoing through the diner. Everyone stopped to stare at us.

"I didn't think you would shout so much in a public place... or try to murder me." Oscar tried to joke.

"Not funny." I crossed my arms. "Why would you not tell me before?" I breathe trying to keep my voice low. I didn't want to argue with him about every little thing (even though this wasn't a little thing).

"We weren't serious at first, but now we kind of are," He point to my tummy.

"So this baby means that we're-"

Relax AJ. I don't want to fight with Oscar.

"No," He exhaled, running his fingers quickly through his awe-worthy hair. "That's not what I meant. We've just been a lot more serious since we haven't seen each other." He grabs my hand for the third time since we've been in this diner, I try to pull away put he grips even harder. "I'm falling really hard for you, AJ. I promise no more lies."

A/N: Firstly I want to say thank you to everyone for getting this to 9k reads (I don't know if I said this already, but if I could I would personally thank and hug each and everyone of you), I didn't think anyone could possible want to read this. Also, thank you for all the sweet comments last week, it really made my weekend a whole lot better than it was before.

I've been thinking about writing another Oscar fanfic but I don't if I can handle writing two Oscar fanfics and another one on me and my twin sister's account. Comment below if you want me to start the other fanfic that I've had in mind for a while, (but I would probably update that one..maybe every two weeks or really randomly).

I feel like there's more for me to say but I can't think of it right now.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter,


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