Getting Answers

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As Red Tornado and his alternate body sat on tables, Robin and Wally worked with other machinery to download Tornado's consciousness into another body. That's how they explained it anyway.

"So Tornado built this android to party?" Rocket asked.

"Not how he'd put it, but yeah, more or less," Zatanna confirmed.

"How would a robot, even the consciousness of one in an android, know how to party?" I asked, hovering over the android.

"Couldn't tell you," Robin chuckled. "Download in progress."

"Recognized, Black Canary, one-three," the robotic voice from the Zeta Tube spoke.

Black Canary stepped out of the glowing light, "Hey guys, wanted to check in and see how you're...What are you doing to Red?!"

Her soft caring features quickly shifted into one of anger, I raised my hands and stepped away from the android, "It's not what you think!" Wally tried to defend.

"It looks like you're downloading his consciousness into a new body," Canary said.

"Ok, so that's exactly what it is," I shrugged and she gave me a look. "I don't know, blame these two Wise Guys!"

"Hey!" "Not helping Nico!" Wally and Robin yelled at the same time.

Suddenly the android shot up, "Team! Get out of the cave! Now!"

Canary glared and let out a sonic scream. I covered my ears and attempted to stay on my feet but was knocked back when the top half of the android came flying at me. I fell to the ground, the android weighing down on my chest.

"Get this thing off me," I groaned, pushing him off.

I sat up to see Robin throw little bombs at the Leaguer and Rocket put a bubble around Canary, trapping her in with the gas. She pounded at the bubble weakly before falling to the bottom unconscious.

"Did she just attack us?" I asked.

"Black Canary is the least of our problems," The android, now Red Tornado, said. "We must abandon the cave."

We got to the hanger and climbed into the Super Cycle, an alien machine Superboy picked up in Bialya. I called Flint over and we got in, quickly flying away from the mountain. I was sat next to a knocked out and tied up Black Canary, seeing as I was one of the few that could restrain her if she got loose.

"Stay off your radios," Tornado ordered. "Let the Super Cycle track Superboy. Instruct her to mask all signals, we cannot allow the League to track us."

"Right," Wally sighed. "Just one question; Why is the League coming after us!"

"The entire League is under the complete mental control of Vandal Savage," Tornado explained. "Red Arrow was his secret weapon, his method was something Savage referred to as Starro-teck, an alien bio-organism infused with both nanotechnology and magic. It shuts down the mind's autonomy allowing Savage to reprogram the individual to suit his own needs. Even my non-organic body was affected, but the process requires .16 nanoseconds to integrate with its host. I was able to create an internal program during that delay that would disconnect my power cells if I attempted to infect someone. It seems that Starro-tech is body specific, as John Smith, I am free of outside control."

"So wait, this thing got through multiple different aliens, humans, magic beings and metas, even an android, and took you all out without so much as a fight?" I asked. 

"Yes, it is indeed a remarkable achievement," Red agreed. "And one not easily countered."

We found our way to the other group and met up, comparing notes and trying to think up a plan, "What we need to do is figure out a plan," Robin sighed. "How are we supposed to get the League back from Savage?"

"Aren't there those smart people at that lab?" Percy said. "Why don't you go there?"

"We do have a chip," Kaldur agreed. "And Canary is infected. If we can get there quick enough, there may be a chance we could save them."

"Are we forgetting that we still need to go against the entire League, all the powerhouses?" Artemis interrupted.

"We'll figure that out later, right now, we need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs and figure out our next move," Kaldur said.

"When can we have a normal day?" I whined, burying my face in Flint's fur.

"Nico, you're the son of Hades and technically like, 80 years old, on a team made up of aliens, meta humans, and skilled regular humans, everyday is far from normal," Percy scoffed.

"Shut it you!" Nico groaned.

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