Death Just Takes

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Myself and Percy stood in front of the screen with the rest of the team, watching as some of the big hitters of the league face an alien mother ship thingy flew closer to Earth. The heroes were all in front of the ship, staring it down.

"Attention,"  one of the Green Lanterns called. "You have entered Earth space, please state your business and be prepared to disengage all weapons and engines. This is the only warning you'll get."

For a single moment, everything paused. No one moved and no one spoke or did anything. But the alien ship made the first move. They fired lasers at the heroes. The two Green Lanterns but a shield up to protect everyone, the the lasers broke the shield and hit the the pair. The laser covered them completely, and when the laser stopped firing, the Green Lanterns were killed. The other heroes didn't fair any better All of them flying around, trying to hit the ship, but they couldn't get close. Superman, Shazam, Captain Atom, Martian Manhunter all of them dead. Batman survived the longest, but even the Dark Knight fell to this new threat.

Red Tornado turned to us, "I must join the league, we must try and contain this threat the best we can. Should we fail, the task of protecting Earth will fall to you."

Aqualad nodded, "We stand ready."

We watched the news feed, keeping track of the league, "What do you think?" I asked Percy.

"I think we're all dead," he told me.

Flint whined and I brought him close, giving him some comforting scratches. We watches as every member of the league was killed, none of them survived the onslaught.

"Team," Red Tornado spoke over comms. "I'm afriad I am all that's left of the League. This task falls to you now. You are Earth's prote-"

The comms went out into static, showing that Tornado was no longer with us, "We now protect Earth," Aqualad said.

"So what are waiting for?" Superboy asked, looking ready for a fight.

"We're obviously waiting for a theme song," Percy said, somehow always managing to joke around is serious situations.

"We need a strategy," Aqualad said. "Earth's weapons have been ineffective against our enemy, so it's clear a direct attack would be unwise."

Robin pulled up the holocomputer thing and started typing, pulling up a satellite image of the entire planet. Red dots covered it, some clusters bigger than others, "This is were all the ships are now."

"This one get lost?" Superboy asked, pointing to a dot in the Arctic.

"It's Superman's Fortress of Solitude," Robin realized.

"He has a Fortress of Solitude?" Superboy questioned.

"The power source must have attracted their attention," Robin said. "We should target this lone ship, get some info off of it."

"Good idea," Aqualad said, as Superboy grumbled about the Fortress. "M'gann, prepare the Bioship, we will leave as soon as possible."


Everyone was in the Bioship, but no one spoke a word. It was too tense of an atmosphere. As we got closer to the ship, M'gann used her telekinesis to rip the wings of the ship.

"Communication and propulsion disabled," M'gann informed on the mental link.

We got out of the ship, quickly getting to work. Artemis quickly pulls out an arrow and hits a spot on the front of the ship. A foam expands from the arrow and hardens, "hostiles are sealed inside."

Aqualad uses his water bearers and causes the ship to sink a little. The laser turned to Aqualad and fires at him, but wolf quickly jumps at the cannon and knocks it off course, sending the laser to hit nothing.

Wolf and Superboy brace the cannon as Robin gets to work with his computerized glove, "Identifying weapon's structural stress points and links to the ship itself," After a moment, he points to three spots. "Here, here, and here."

Percy and I quickly get to work hitting those points. But the refiners come loose and started charging up. My eyes widened and I was suddenly yanked away, as was Percy, only to see Wolf and Flint be vaporized before my eyes.

"Wolf," M'gann gapes. "Flint."

My shoulders dropped for my fallen friend, "There wasn't any indication of feedback," Robin says. "I'm sorry, for both of you."

"We can't do anything for either of them now," I said getting up from the snowy ground I was thrown onto. I nodded to Superboy, giving him the indication he needed as he ripped out the gun from the ship.

M'gann de-camouflages the ship and brings it over, allowing Superboy to connect  the gun to the top of the ship, "Rerouting systems to integrate weapons into the bio-matrix of the ship. She'll need to stay out of camouflage for a few minutes."

"We may not have a few minutes," Percy said, pointing to the sky.

Artemis runs forward a few feet away from us and started shooting at the ships, "M'gann, open fire," Aqualad orders.

"I can't," M'gann panics a bit. "Weapon systems are down to incorporate the new cannon."

"I got this, everyone get inside," Artemis commanded, shooting a few arrows, hitting the ships.

As Artemis was running back to the ship, the cannon on one of the alien ships she shot down was still working, "Artemis, look out!" I yelled.

She spun around, drawing an arrow back, but it was too late. the laser was fired and before our very eyes, Artemis was vaporized into nothingness.

"ARTEMIS!" M'gann screamed as the rest of us stared in shock and horror.

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