New Pets

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Robin POV

The rest of us made it to my school to find Superboy in not so great shape trying to keep up with the fully built Amazo. We joined in trying to fight it, but failed to even make a scratch.

"Oh yawn," Marrow sighed. "Normally, Amazo would've copied your abilities by now,but what's the point? Your all just poorly copied versions yourselves."

"Everyone keeps saying that," Superboy chuckled. "It makes me angry!"

He let out a yell and tried to attack Marrow, "He's gone balistic again!" Kid Flash shouted.

"Maybe not," I said realizing his plan.

"Amazo, protect your master, primary alpha," Marrow panicked.

The Amazo did just that, trying to protect Marrow as we played keep away. As Wally was running by, Amazo grabbed him and began to squeeze the life out of him.

"Kid Flash!" I yelled running over to help only to get kicked down.

An arrow sailed through the gym at the Amazo, but he fazed causing the arrow to go through him, and for him to drop Wally. I looked to Amazo, who went out of faze when a sword stabbed him through the abdomen. The sword dragged up, causing Amazo's upper body to be cut in half. he fell to the ground and we found Nico, bruised and beaten standing there breathing heavily.

"Are we done here?" He asked out of breath. "Cause i'm going to pass out either way."

He began to fall to the ground when Mag'ann used her telekinesis to make him float, "What happen to him?" Kid Flash asked.

"When the robo monkey's had left with the Amazo parts, Superboy following them, there was this giant monster down the road. Nico told me to go, and that he would handle it," I explained.

"Well, we need to get him out of here," Kaldur stated.

The team arrived back at the cave, Superboy carefully carrying Nico. Batman, Red Tornado, Wonder Woman, and Black Canary were already there. Black Canary ran over, seeing Nico unconscious.

"What happened?" she asked checking him carefully.

"He fought this thing, I'm not completely sure what it was," I explained. "It was huge though, at least eight feet and looked like a"

"The Minotaur," Wonder Woman said walking over. "A Greek monster. I heard that it continuesly hunted Nico's friend, Percy Jackson. It must now me hunting him as a form of revenge. We need to get him to the med bay."

Superboy followed the two leaguers as the rest of us stayed to hear Batman's summary of our mission.

*Two days later*

Nico POV

I slowly woke up to bright lights in his face, "Well doesn't this situation seem familiar," I grumbled as I slowly sat up.

"Nico, you shouldn't be getting up so quickly," Black Canary said rushing over. "You've been out for two days."

"Oh well, not that big of a deal," I said brushing her off and getting off the bed.

Getting used to standing again, I slowly made my way out of the hospital room and made my way to my room. I didn't want to be in that room anymore. Making it too my room, I went in to find two boxes, one seemed to be moving, with a note on top of one. I walked closer, cautious of the box, as I pulled a bar of ambrosia out of the bed side table and took a small bite before putting it away. I felt better almost immediately and went back over to the box. I opened the letter to find a familiar not so neat pen men ship.

"Dear Nico,

Your sister insisted that I give you a birthday present. She know you don't like to celebrate, but she wanted you to have these guys. Please stay safe with that team your in, and travel here when ever you want.


I opened one of them two find a three headed puppy pop out, looking happy on all faces, there was another note inside it's box.

"Cerberus had a litter, he's a boy."

I pulled the dog out and set him on the bed. He went around sniffing his new surroundings. I opened the other one that was still, to find a small, skeleton kitten sleeping soundly. I slowly pulled it out and it wiggled around a bit, looking at me with dark empty eye sockets. I put it on my bed and it curled up and went back to sleep.

"Thanks dad," I smiled a bit. Staring at my two pets. "Thanks Bianca."

There was a knock on the door, alerting my new dog. He began to growl lightly, so I picked him up and held him in my arms. I walked over to the door and opened it, seeing Black Canary stand there with an arm behind her back.

"What is that?" she ask seeing the three headed dog in my arms.

"A puppy," I said. "Now, can I help you."

She stared at the dog for a moment before pulling her arm out from behind her back, "Happy birthday."

In her hand was a small black kitten. It stared at me with large orange eyes, "Thanks," I muttered. "You can bring it in and put it on the bed."

I let her walk in and put the cat on my bed. She stared at the, now awake and moving, skeleton kitten. She shook her head and walked back to the doorway where I was still standing, "You'll be running a sanctuary soon," she remarked with a small smile before leaving, shutting the door behind her.

I looked down at the three headed black mastiff, German Shepherd mix puppy in my arms, "Best not to tell her about the other Hell Hound, snake, and turtle I have."

The puppy tilted its heads, not really understanding what I'm saying. I but him on the ground and looked at the three pets I now have, "What should I name you guys?"

I put the dog on my bed and went up close to the black kitten. She made a little squeak and batted at my face playfully. I smiled lightly as I rubbed behind her ears, "How about...Onyx for you."

Onyx purred and jumped up onto my head, "hey," I chuckled as she got comfortable.

"I'll name you...Phantom," I said to the skeleton kitten that had come closer to me. She rubbed against my hand affectionately.

"Then I'll name you," I thought for a moment, staring at the puppy. "Flint."

As the following days went by, I spent most of it with my pets, trying to ignore the team as much as possible. I don't trust any of them, and I didn't want to be here in the first place. While I could leave any time I wanted, I didn't want to have to be constantly looking over my shoulder making sure I wasn't being followed by these caped weirdos. Soon enough, though, it was time for another mission. I took Flint with me, leaving the other two kittens to sleep peacefully. Flint was now up to my knees, still a puppy but much too large for me to hold now. Greek myth animals tend to grow extremely fast, seeing as they need to get up to their age as to have all advantages against anyone who might no kill them.

"I didn't know that dogs here had three heads," M'gann said as I walked into the main room with Flint trailing next to me.

"They don't," Kaldur said confused before turning around. "What sort of creature is that?!"

I rolled my eyes at him and watched as Robin started to get closer. He backed off when Flint growled at him with his three heads, looking very threatening. These mortals were so stupid sometimes.

Not A Hero Anymore (Nico Di Angelo x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now