Downtime *edited*

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This new mission had not gone well. The team was sent after Clayface to stop him from whatever he was up too. But, Robin, Kid Flash,Superboy, M'gann, and Artemis were all knocked out while I was barely holding consciousness. Aqualad was knocked backwards, flying back and smashing into a wall. I stumbled up, shakily raising my sword only to have Clayface laugh at me.

"You really think that'll beat me kid?" the monster chuckled.

Just then, the window above us shattered, broken glass rained down around us as Batman fell from the widow. He took out a taser and pulled the trigger. The prongs shot out and hit Clayface in the chest causing him the scream out in pain. The monsterous villain melted into a puddle of clay. I stared at Batman, who was looking at all of us with a small glare on his cowled face.


The Team made it back to the cave, dirty and covered in remnants of the fight. We stood before Batman, "Head home," He ordered. "I need to speak to Aqualad alone."

"Home?" Superboy scoffed. "I am home."

"Makes two of us," I grumbled walking away from them.

"Bit rude," I heard Artemis mumbled under her breath.

"True but it was a response," M'gann inputted positively. "It's more social progress with us than what we've had in the past."

I stopped listening to them after that. In truth, I some of the team a bit more, and a few of them had grown on me, but I still kept my guards up. I went to the showers and took off my clothes, facing the wall as I showered. I heard Superboy and Wally walk in and begin to shower as well.

"Woah, what's with all those scars?" Wally asked, noticing the scars on my back.

"None of your business," I told him quickly showering and grabbing a towel as I walked out.

I made my way to my room and quickly changed into my clothes, a pair of black jeans, a random t-shirt, a black hoodie and my aviator jacket. I kneeled down as started petting Flint's middle head. The three headed dog barked happily and rubbed his head into my head. Onyx and Phantom came over and meowed at me. Over the past few months, my pets, except Phantom, have definitely grown. Flint was now up to his full shrunken height, up to my waist. He can grow bigger but he'll stay at my waist when he's in his smaller form. Onyx had grown to the size of an adult cat, and had this weird power. Canary told me that they rescued Onyx from an animal testing center, she was somehow able to teleport in a puff of darkness. I didn't really know how to explain it, so I just went with it. Phantom hadn't grown at all, but that was because he or she is a skeleton cat. 

A knock sounded on my door and I opened it to reveal Black Canary smiling lightly, "Hi Nico," she said. "It's time for your therapy session."

I sighed and followed her out of my room. Ever since my break down however many months ago, she has me do these daily therapy sessions to talk about my problems or what not. We sat down in the chairs across from one another, neither of us speaking.

"So, I hear that you have started to open up more to the rest of the team," She said. "That's progress."

"Sure," I shrugged.

"Yet, you still don't seem to be completely open to everyone. It's been months since you've joined the team, so why haven't you completely opened up to them?"

"You know why," I mumbled slouching a bit. "As much as I trust them, I just can't, not after everything that's happened. Besides, At least one of them still needs to earn it."

"You can't hold it over Wally forever, he didn't know what he was doing. he was just complying to a dying man's final wishes. I sure if he knew what would've happened, he wouldn't have done what he did."

"I don't care. If it was easy enough to do that, then how easy is it for the others to betray me as well? How can I be sure Wally won't pull that kind of crap again? As far as I see it, the only people I can truly trust, are Wonder Woman and maybe you."

Canary raised and eyebrow, "Wonder Woman I understand, but why trust me?"

"I don't know, my instincts I guess," I mumbled.

Canary smiled a bit, she reached over and took my hand that I had on my lap, "Nico, I'm happy you trust me, but I can't be the only one you trust. Your team is going to have your back and they want you to have theirs, I understand trust doesn't come easy to you, but it's alright to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable."

I looked down in thought, "How about I just consider it for now."

Canary chuckled, "It's a step in the right direction, at least."

Little Author's note, I edited this chapter specifically and took out the part where Canary adopted Nico just cause it was a storyline I lost interest in writing. I wasn't sure where exactly I was going to go with it but I just took it out cause it really went nowhere. Sorry about that, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

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