8: The Song of Honesty

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-At the Cafe-
When Spinel and Steven finally arrived at the Sunny Day Cafe, they decided they had chosen the right place to discuss what had happened at Dreamedia. No one was really there except a few couples, with the exception of a couple kids running around. To avoid extra attention they sat at a table where they could have enough privacy and where they wouldn't get bombed by horny fans. A waitress came rolling over on skates, a smile on her face and her beautiful red hair tied into a ponytail. "Welcome to the Sunny Day Cafe! And-" She looked at the 2 celebrities. "Oh my god, are you 2 who I think you are?!"

Spinel tried covering her face with her hand while Steven nodded happily. "I guess so."

"Steven Universe and Spinel Stiles, together here on a date, well isn't that a surprise! I never thought you 2 would get together. I bet you'd be in the mood for our special: A Valentine Milkshake with valentine candies, yeah?"

"Well, we aren't on a date," Steven corrected. "We're just here as friends, actually."

The waitress pulled out a picture of Steven from her pocket, handing him a pen in the process. While Steven was giving her the autograph, Spinel started to feel a grudge against her. She resembled Natalie all too well...enthusiastic, overly happy when Steven was around, and she looked just like her. The red hair, the perfect round face and skin, and the positive attitude. She was starting to regret coming here. Finally, the waitress kissed the autographed picture, and finally started to get back to work. "Alrighty! So, what would you 2 lovebirds like?" She asked, her beaming smile blinding the emo actress.

"I'll take some lemonade and the cinnabon bun with cream-cheese frosting," Steven told her. The waitress wrote down the order with a smile. "And for you, Spinel?"

"I'll just get what he's getting..." she muttered, trying not to make contact with her.

The waitress, nodded and went back inside, and a few minutes later came back with their order: 2 ice pink bags with the warm extra large cinnabon buns and a small tray with their glasses of lemonades with a lemon wedge on the sides. "I know you big-time celebrities wouldn't want those regular old lemons sooo....I made sure to use only the best real lemons with your order! We're also working together with the Girl Scouts of San Francisco, and they're selling lemon cookies for a low price for charity, also made from real lemons. Would you like some?"

"Are they made from real girl scouts?" Spinel asked in a low voice, causing the waitress's face to pale.

"I...um...never mind-"

Once she left, Spinel started eating her warm cinnamon bun, and Steven started the conversation. "So..." he started. ''Now do ya wanna talk about what happened with Natalie and why you flipped out back there?"

Spinel wept her mouth with her sleeve and sipped her lemonade before answering hesitantly. "Sh-she's just annoying..."

"I know it's something more than that. She clearly said something, or did, and it made you upset. That's why I brought you here, so you can tell me and we can probably resolve it. If you keep doing this to Natalie, Simon might fire you and...that won't be good."

"F-fine...I guess I yelled at her because she's just...perfect..." Spinel growled lowly as she said the last part. "She's just too perfect..! Thinking she's better than everyone just because she's so-called 'cute'!! And she's so...cheerful...everybody likes her, even that skank Pink! She just doesn't know what hatred feels like!!!!"

"Natalie isn't like most kids where she's spoiled and such Spinel, no matter how much you think so. She gets by on her kindess, I'm sure. Not by her cuteness." Steven assured her. That was a big mistake as well. Spinel's face was turning a bit red from his comment. So, Steven tried to end his next statement on a good note. "But! I can assure you, she indeed knows what it feels to feel hatred. Trust me, I know."

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