7: Jealousy

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-With Spinel-
-Around 30 mins afterwards?-
During her ride home, Spinel had to keep wiping her on-going stress tears that kept falling from her face. The thing with Pink had really stressed her out, and she knew this would be a fuckwad of a summer. As if she wasn't depressed enough, now she was at least 150 levels higher with it. But the good thing was, she'd be able to murder Pink for what had happened a long time ago. Volley already confirmed she wouldn't get the law involved with anything so killing that skank would be easy.

Unless those body guards get in the way.

"That's ok...I'll kill as many people as I have to, as long as I kill her in the end..." Spinel muttered, opening the golden rimmed enterance door and stepping inside. Volley hadn't come home yet, she was most likely working things out with Pink and joining the little fan-club. Which was fine by Spinel to some extent. Though if it was the woman that caused you to be blind out of one eye, ya wouldn't wanna go join a fanclub to celebrate.

Spinel dropped her keys on the table and made herself a cocktail (with EXTRA alcohol) in the kitchen, then made it off to her bedroom. She sat down, taking a knifu from the dresser and putting it in front of her, getting a needle\pin and carving into it. She had been saving this for a few years, having it specifically for Pink. And for her only. It was of utmost quality, it's shine enough to blind someone and it's sharp tip good enough to carve through iron and bone. Spinel spent a while choosing this knife. It was hungry for Pink's flesh and blood. And now, after all these years....

It was finally about to be fed.

"Don't worry my little murder child, it's almost time~" Spinel told her knife as she took a sip of her cocktail. She had already perfectly carved "PI" in the knife. "You'll be dug into that bitch's flesh in no time...."


"Huh?" Spinel put down the needle and checked her phone, and her murderious thoughts were now replaced with relief and...possibly gratitude as she read the message.

Steven: Spinel? Are you doin ok? Again sorry bout the thing with my mom, and I don't fully understand what happened between you two but I'm here if you wanna talk about it

For some reason when Spinel read that message her heart fluttered a bit happily. She even felt herself smile a bit. Out of all people though, why was it him that she was...having this feeling for? She hated him! He was just like her! He was...

Being nice to her. 

'That's one thing he has in common with her...they play nice only to throw you away a second later. Unless...'

Spinel: It's fine, Universe. I don't need your pity


Spinel: Reread the fucking message, of course pity. I know you're only sayin this sutff out of pity

Steven: Of course Im not. At least not in the way you're describing it. I actually hate the fact my mom hurt you, among others, but especially you. I care about you wether you know it or not. And I dont wanna just stay enemies during this movie either, so can we at least try to get along?

Spinel:....I mean...

Steven: It doesnt even have to be forever, just at least until the movie is done?

A part of her actually wanted to be his friend. But there was also another part that remembered what his mother did. And she didn't want to repeat that trauma again. 'But...he isn't her...' Spinel debated in her head. 'And he helped me so...ok. I'll give him a chance. Hopefully this won't be a mistake.' She looked at his last text. Judging by how nice Steven was, and how Spinel herself was slowly trustin him more and more, it wouldn't be a bad idea to be friends for the movie and then get on with their lives. Although there was something about him that made her wanna be his friend for life.

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