11: Limelight

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Hey...been almost a year?

Yeah, it has. but, 2022 is a new start, and lately I've been updating all my books. So, why not this one?

A warning, I may have forgotten the plot to this....but I shall revive mine mindset, even if it takes me 6000 years! Anyhow, apologies for any, eh...mistakes. Plot mistakes, mostly. So, grab some oreos (ANYTHING BUT MINT, I'M BEGGING YOU-----) and with that being said, lets begin.


*Spinel Stiles gone AWOL? What Rumors About The Actress Are Spreading Around

*Read What Dreamedia's Simon Russell Has To Say About The 25 Lusk Drama

*Who Is Natalie Russell? Read More On The Teen Star's Debut In Public

*Natalie or Spinel ---- Who Will Steven Universe Pick?

*Leaving The LimeLight - Is Spinel Stiles Really Leaving Her Career Behind?

As the headlines went on, the more Steven's head hurt. He's been tagged in numerous posts since the drama at 25 Lusk, and, frankly, he was getting exhausted from it. Now more than ever, he and Spinel were being pulled into rumors and gossip, as well as harassed by paparazzi. Not only that, but Natalie was being pulled into it.

Usually he'd ignore the links that popped up on his feed, but whenever he saw Natalie's name, he just had to see it. Turns out Natalie wasn't all that known in the spotlight; it was Simon that got all of the fame and fortune. Natalie was only involved in very few events, and it looked like she stopped going out when her mother died, who also got a lot of spotlight. The link also mentioned her very much obvious crush on him and her rivalry with Spinel, which...seemed to be the biggest thing these days.

Steven sighs to himself as he exits out yet another link.

"I hate social media." He mutters to himself, eyebags literring his once sparkling eyes. He wasn't able to sleep last night, and it was already 9 am.

Should he try to speak to Spinel again?

No, no, she'll just ignore him...

Or...calling Natalie? After all, she'll be more than happy to talk with him.

....Nah, Simon probably wouldn't be happy to hear that his baby girl was talking to the man that started this mess.

Great, that makes 3 people mad at him. God, he hopes this movie gets done, and QUICK. He was just supposed to write the songs, why is he getting in so much drama?!

Speaking of, he hasn't made much progress with the songwriting. He only made like, what, 1 and a half songs?


"Steven, get up," Peridot comes in without knocking, and as usual she had her arms filled with clipboards. She runs over to his side and opens the blinds, letting in much-needed sunlight. "We hafta be at the studio, remember?"

Tiredly, he groans. "I know, I know..." However, he doesn't do much except shift on her side. "I just..."

"Don't wanna get into more drama, I suppose," Peridot finishes for him while fishing in his closet, and tossing a sweat-shirt towards his direction. "But that's Hollywood. Drama comes, drama goes. One minute everything is calm, the next day it's haywire. I know things will be super, super awkward with Spinel and Natalie at the studio, but you hafta be the one to keep those 2 tame. Be their little olive branch, alright?" She tosses some jeans at him.

Steven sighs. She was right, as always.

And he hated it.

"What about Simon?" He asks her.

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